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Gold plated, acrylic reinforced magnet

Just reporting on my successful implantation of a 3mmx1mm gold plated magnet. To reinforce the gold i sprayed a layer of acrylic. This is very cost effective as i bought 50 n52s for 3.48 GBP.


Displaying all 10 comments
  1. What kind of acrylic did you use?

  2. @dieselpwr said:
    What kind of acrylic did you use?

    it was an acrylic spray, not sure on the brand but theres no sign of damage to the magnet

  3. No worries about the magnet, but worries about you lol. If it works out it works out.. If it was just some random acrylic spray it might contain other stuff than acrylic itself. Please keep us updated whit your implant!

  4. @dieselpwr said:
    No worries about the magnet, but worries about you lol. If it works out it works out.. If it was just some random acrylic spray it might contain other stuff than acrylic itself. Please keep us updated whit your implant!

    Ah fair enough, I don't really care about myself enough to worry that much. I'll keep you updated

  5. Haha lol, im that kind of guy who works at a farm, dust in my lungs, piece of a metal in eye, handling oils&greases&fertilizers&other farm stuff. We will all die no matter what in the end:D where did you implant btw?

  6. @dieselpwr said:
    Haha lol, im that kind of guy who works at a farm, dust in my lungs, piece of a metal in eye, handling oils&greases&fertilizers&other farm stuff. We will all die no matter what in the end:D where did you implant btw?

    Side of my left hand

  7. Dude, you've successfully implanted a category 2a carcinogen. Did you even bother reading the MSDS?

  8. I strongly advise removal. I make it a point to look at things like this as an opportunity to educate. What you've done is antithetical to grinding. Taking action without doing any research or due diligence and harming yourself with an increased risk of cancer and liver toxicity.. this isn't grinding.
    How old are you? I'll send you a fucking biocompatible magnet. I'll do the procedure myself. But you need to understand that this is both fruitless and stupid. The consequence is going to be hundreds of 14 year olds implanting fucking krylon and getting testicular cancer.

  9. People have put so much effort into showing you how to do things safely.. how to do it right. I feel totally justified in chiding you here. Are you stupid or are you lazy? It has to be one of these. I just can't believe you're posting this here. What kind of response do you expect? Your data is of no value. This is rediculous. I'm not responding to this with emotion. I honestly believe that to be tolerant of this is harmful to the entire community.

  10. If you need help with something my offer still stands. But this is fucking rediculous.

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