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So im no programer, but I was at the World Science Festival in NYC  this weekend,and oneof the lectures was about problems with DIY  tech by neil Gershenfeld, the guy has a pretty impressive resume. He is actually a promoter of the maker movement, but the talk was focused mistakes made.  One of the things the guy brought up was Arduino boards. Which from what I have read is used in some of the projects, or at least that is the programing language being used. He was saying that the boards themselves are very standard board with Atmel AVR processor which is what allows for changeable program storage, rather than one time use. It is apparently much more effective and cost efficient  (from what it sounded like ) to make personalized circuit boards from scratch, so you could load on more AVR's then the Arduino boards. Also Gershenfeld claimed that coding for Arduino was simply C coding for the AVR and that once that was understood one could use the codes more effectivly, and not have to spend time trying to learn "Arduino" coding.

Now I know nothing about programing this is what I could remember, and what  caught my attention, If this is all old news than you can forget it, but I thought maybe it would help. I will also look for his speach online, and maybe it will make some more sense than how I explained it.


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  1. Yeah, this is pretty much basic knowledge to engineers and hackers.  The ATmegas and ATtinies are among the most commonly used microcontrollers by hackers, and Arduino is often the platform of choice for people to who want to get started with embedded programming.
  2. Arduinos are great because they allow you to rapidly prototype electronics. They shouldn't be used in production environments because there is just a ton of wasted space.
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