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Polyurethane coating on N52s

Would it be safe to use an aerosol spray poly for a magnet implant coating?


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    Judging by a quick google search, I highly doubt it.

  2. @jebroad I ordered 20 of the SMM magnets. I am going to coat some using sodium silicate and aerogel. I put some of the aerogel in a rock tumbler a few months ago along with steel balls. I ran it for a month. When it came out I had a super fine powder. I will mix it with the sodium silicate and then test it. If all goes well I will implant one in my arm. After a year or so then take it out. If it looks good I will put one in the finger.

  3. @puzbiks1 said:
    @jebroad I ordered 20 of the SMM magnets. I am going to coat some using sodium silicate and aerogel. I put some of the aerogel in a rock tumbler a few months ago along with steel balls. I ran it for a month. When it came out I had a super fine powder. I will mix it with the sodium silicate and then test it. If all goes well I will implant one in my arm. After a year or so then take it out. If it looks good I will put one in the finger.

    Sounds pretty interesting, let me know how it goes.

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