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N52+ Magnet Implants

What kind of changes would there be if someone implanted a magnet that is N53 or higher? How would it affect the the implantee's health? Would


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  1. The only difference is that the magnet will be slightly stronger. Health concerns generally have more to do with fighting infection, preventing oxidation, etc.

  2. bigger, stronger, magnets might be more annoying day-to-day simply because finding yourself accidentally picking up silverware and stuff can be uncomfortable, but this shouldn't be dangerous as long as you are a bit careful.

    that being said, I have woken up with my finger stuck to my iron bedframe, and was in pain for quite a bit afterwards. in extreme cases, this sort of thing can severely damage the skin over the magnet and cause irritation/rejection. but all that is still more of an annoyance than an actual danger to life or limb.

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