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Introducing myself to the community.

Hello there people!
Some info about me:
-19 Y/O
-Total Cybernetics and Transhumanism enthusiast!
-Country: Poland.
-Currently finishing my IT Technician degree, then moving to a Military University for Cryptology and CyberSec.
I'm not really sure what to say about myself here, so bear with me.
I came here to learn more about the whole Grinder movement and maybe modify(hack) myself aswell!


Displaying all 5 comments
  1. Welcome to the boards. What hacks/mods are you interested in and why?

  2. @McSTUFF said:
    Welcome to the boards. What hacks/mods are you interested in and why?

    Mostly magnetic implants, I would love to do them now, but I'm still not sure how's that going to work during my Service in the army. I might aswell get them after my service.
    I'm also intrested in herbs/medicine/chips that could perhaps alter the feeling of pain, fear and memory/learning.
    I'm definietly not into ID Chips that would be a replacement for Normal ID cards, as I don't really feel like getting tracked everywhere by the goverment. Although some aspects of RFID chips seem nice.
    Oh, I'm also definietly into fully functional, and enhanced prosthetics.

  3. A rfid chip only has a range of a 3-4 cm so it is pretty impossible for someone to track u

  4. Also, if you carry a cellphone everywhere and use credit cards, worrying about an implanted RFID for privacy concerns seems like a bit of misdirected effort.

  5. @JakePunk said:
    A rfid chip only has a range of a 3-4 cm so it is pretty impossible for someone to track u

    @tekniklr said:
    Also, if you carry a cellphone everywhere and use credit cards, worrying about an implanted RFID for privacy concerns seems like a bit of misdirected effort.


Displaying all 5 comments