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supermagnetman n55!

Seem like smm releasing n55 tin magnet soon! this is great news for all of us! seen other users reporting and someone got early batch even! i emailed them just now and thhey confirmed these magnets, gonna be released in week or two:)

ive got an question, how to test the coating on a tin coated magnet?


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  1. I’m so excited to get the early batch! I’ll probably make another post about it once it delivers. In the mean time, I’ve been trying to think of the best way to test a TiN magnet too and I’ve run across this:
    I think I’ll go with a simple saline solution, and possibly add a little vinegar if it’s safe.

  2. so jealous, very lucky! been waiting for 4 years at least for decent magnet to implant, now its finally happening, cheap tin coated magnets!

  3. Not to mention that their N55, great for both lifting and sensing! My only concern is that I forgot to mention in my emails to the accounting rep at SMM that it needs to be a completely even coat (which may not happen with only one coating due to hang points in the manufacturing process). I’m hopeful that there won’t be any holes in the coating, but if there is, I’m thinking of applying a coat of FDA8 epoxy resin to the magnet(specifically targeting any holes or cracks in the coating)

  4. when i asked about the quality of the coating he told me this

    "As for the quality of the coating. I can say that it is a double coating of TiN. Other than that I cannot speak to the coating as we have not done any extensive testing on it. "

    so they are douple coated!:D yup n55 strongest grade avaible to normal industry and consumers!

  5. That’s good news to hear! You should ask to purchase a set too in your email. It’s pretty cheap (a 10 pack costs $10.80). The UPS shipment tracker said mine is delivered, I’ll inspect them and post some close up pictures once I’m off work.

  6. Double coated? Hmm. That's kind of sketchy. Maybe he means he flips then and has the other side coated?

  7. @Cassox i think so yeah, they have a "hang point" when coating so needs douple coat to make it complete.

  8. i want some one to first try them a bit whit saline or something, im scared if i order one pack of 10, they fail, almost 30e shipping if i remember correctly...... ill wait for a bit and then order them:D

  9. I was the one who ordered 30. Well, I technically ordered and purchased only 20 for a larger sample than a single 10-pack, however, I was surprised to find an extra pack in my package in the mail!

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