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No more fear?

Is there any commercial drug or chemical which limits or removes fear in a human mind? Apart from obvious ones like alcohol and LSD.
I'm looking for something which allows clarity of mind even while on this drug. Does it even exist?
All other miscellaneous info about fear in humans in general is welcome
Thank you all in advance


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  1. Hehe.

    I would very much suggest psychology research, rather than drug therapy, from my own personal observation of how stress, anxiety, and trauma are processed and managed.

  2. Any specific study that would aid me in my research?

  3. I am unaware of any drug that specifically reduce the effects of fear within the bounds of what you have set. Frankly I am not sure you would want to, fear is a great tool for the human mind to have. Fear of pain has saved my bacon more than once. Now if you would like to reduce the effects of anxiety there are some options that aren't strictly chemically related. TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) has shown some evidence of treating anxiety with repeated treatments.

  4. Yeah. You know a really interesting field to check out is sensory psychology. It's really heavy on physiology and objective measures. I've long thought that grinding is dropping the ball in the psychological domain. There a lot of potential in things like biofeedback, memory techniques and the like.

  5. Fear is too much of a high level function to treat pharmacologically really. It has a lot of components that aren't physiological. I mean, anxiety is one aspect but even benzodiazapenes don't touch existential dread or like an identity crisis. There are drugs that can stop fear though.. theyre called anesthetics. If you're unconscious you show none of the behaviors associated with fear.

  6. Thank you all for the help rendered, i will continue with my research

  7. I’m not sure if inhibiting fear is a good thing. Fear is a natural response to threats, and is necessary for the most part so your mind and body can make decisions in a timely and effective manner.

    I think a better idea would be to translate fear in the form of panic or terror into a more appropriate response like hyper vigilance or something like an adrenaline rush but with more sound decisions

  8. I have heard of treatments which temporarily eliminated fear so people could overcome phobias. I have unsuccessfully looked for the video of it in action. During that time, people were given a dose, then exposed to their trigger and coaxed to interact. The example I remember was an arachnophobe holding a fuzzy tarantula. The person looked uneasy but she or he was not freaking out. I don't know if multiple treatments were necessary but many of the subjects reported that their phobia was no longer a detriment to their lives.
    For all I know, the folks were just stoned off their gourds so it wouldn't be something you would be functional for. I don't know if this applies to what you're after. If anyone remembers the video I'm thinking of, post a link. I would appreciate it.

  9. I've heard that even after it has worn off, the drug in magic mushrooms decreases the patient's fear of harm. Cannot confirm though, I haven't researched it at all.

  10. monthly ketamine injections have been shown to be effective for severe anxiety and depression. Just look up ketamine therapy, we got places all over florida

  11. Tramadol helps with anxiety and fears. I used to take it and can confirm.

  12. > @SimplyTom said:
    > Tramadol helps with anxiety and fears. I used to take it and can confirm.

    > @BleachMartini said:
    > monthly ketamine injections have been shown to be effective for severe anxiety and depression. Just look up ketamine therapy, we got places all over florida

    I think any meds to use just to stop fear is unrealistic because we use fear to gage the risk of something and if we have no fear it might make u make some bad calls in the future

  13. PCP eliminates fear and certain sensations of pain but I'm pretty sure that option isn't preferred. Imo, I don't think eliminating fear is a good idea, fear necessary for survival and prevents someone from making brash decisions that could lead poor outcomes. But it's your choice on what you need to do.

  14. To remove fear, Old Norse warriors used fly agarics and became berserks.

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