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NFAQ- details regarding magnetic implants

First of all, a big HALLO to all grinders here and thanks for having me here!!!
I am a tattoo artist with a studio based in Czech Republic, I am planning to get my first implants now starting with neodymium in each finger and some rfid´s.If all goes well I’d like to start doing this for the public over here and spread the word of here unseen possibilities, grinding and transhumanism.

First thing: Maybe it’s just because I have been an outsider until now, but it seems there is not much common effort/focus going into projects.
                You open a thread, you post what you have in mind and then... nothing, no results, no feedback, the tread gets abandoned.
                Can someone explain?  (don’t mean nothing by it, just seems to be strange that such a community has had no real project done)
And now a few magnet related questions:
1) If I have magnets in my tips, will using a tattoo machine be a problem?
2) If the magnets are in each finger, will that not cause the magnets to reject? I know L has them in nearly all tips...
3) Has anyone here played a console like xbox with the magnets? Any problems?
4) How big is the difference between an N60 mag and an N45? Big, none?

5)What is the difference between a disc shape mag and a cylindrical one?Effects?


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  1. Welcome!

    I'll try to answer as many questions as possible.
    1. Yes, it might be a problem.
    2. There is a chance they will push or pull to each other. I HIGHLY recommend only starting with one implant before you decide to get more. I think one in each finger is too much.
    3. No problem playing x-box, credit cards, hard drives or touch screens.
    4&5. <maybe someone else can answer. I'm not sure>.

    We do have a lot of projects in the works. Some of them are top secret. Grindhouse Wetware is one development team. They have a couple projects they hope to show in the next few weeks.

    As far as commenting goes, we do have a habit of not giving updates sometimes. A lot of us chat on IRC or google hangouts and get questions answered there (and forget to update the forum). Sometimes we hit technical problems and abandon projects until a suitable solution is found. I'll try to post more results of my projects soon.
  2. Do you have a link to the google hangout where people chat? It's hard to find much discussion about these topics.

  3. Sorry Rasputin, I just saw this. The google hangouts are completely random. Most of them are Grindhouse business. This site has several threads with FAQs. If you don't find the answers you seek in any of them I'd be happy to answer any you might have.
  4. hey, another new guy here, the biggest reason i havnt gone ahead with fingertip magnets is because i dont want to ruin my hard drives, but it seems like a lot of you guys would be touching hard drives and i hadnt seen anything mentioned... but what youre saying is that they shouldnt cause any problem at all??
    the other problem is parkour.... but i may just man up and deal with it.
  5. No, magnets used for implanting are too weak to cause damage to hard drives or credit cards.

    The main advantage of cylindrical magnets is the ability to implant them using an RFID injector.  We've been getting some Alnico 5 magnets recently with teflon (PTFE) coating, with 2mm diameter so they should fit into many common RFID injectors.
  6. What @rdb said.  To my knowledge, hard drives, airport scanners, and even MRIs have caused zero problems with the magnet implants (the 'magnets can erase hard drives' thing is a myth anyway, unless you have a really strong magnet; and MRI technicians cover up metal shrapnel for a living).

    Putting consistent pressure on the fingertips, like you do with parkour, is a bit more complicated.  Unless the magnet is really big, I can't imagine it rejecting as a result, but it might increase the amount of pain.  @Unqualified says that he can rock climb with only mildly more pain, though.

  7. Yup. And what pain there was appears to have died off, too, though I'm staying off really narrow grips. Not sure how an implant would take the impacts of parkour rather than the pressure of rock-climbing, though.
  8. Squeegy, as a former traceur (but who really forgets...) I'm pretty sure a smaller, cylindrical one (ie. not Haworth disk-style) on the side of the finger would be safe to train with. I'm planning to put mine in my left ring fingertip, in the little hollow where your thumb can get to easily. Sounds silly, but try and feel it, you'll get it straight away.

    To test if you impact there, or scratch it up or whatever... if it'll cop a beating, put a little pen line on it, then go for a train. Or maybe white out, or whiteboard marker. Something that will come off if it takes a hammering, but not just because of normal sweat, flexing, and motion.

    Hope that helps.
  9. awesome, thanks everyone! your help is much appreaciated.

    that was exactly where i was thinking of putting it, bish. That sounds like a good test too, i think the placing will be alright, but it cant hurt to try that out. also, what state are you in?? i read in another thread youre an australian too, it would be funny if i had met you before.
  10. Vic mate, operated under the name Archie on pkaus, jammed it on up with jman for a fair while.

  11. ha, no way, im from vic too, when jman quit the apa i was part of the group he trained. now im starting again and he comes along when he can be bothered to the group i do it with. i was never part of the online stuff much, just look at the melbourne parkour group sometimes, so i dont know anything about the pkaus thing though.
  12. No shit, small world hey?

    /thread hijack.
  13. Re question #5
    I put a disc in a finger ~3 weeks ago. About 3 days ago i removed it (because it rejected -- that's another story) and i put in 7mm cylinder in another finger at the same time i removed the disc.
    Obviously, i haven't waited the 6 months to achieve the optimal sensitivity, but the immediate results are that the cylinder is MUCH weaker than the disc.

    So at this early stage my recommendation is a disc.

  14. @Halogen, that's hardly a fair comparison.  The disk is a neodymium magnet (n48) while the stirrer bar is of unknown material and may very well be a weaker alnico or samarium cobalt magnet.  From what I've read, people using neodymium cylinders have achieved results comparable to similarly sized disk magnets.

    The trouble is, neodymium can't withstand the heat of PTFE coating, so they are more often coated with Parylene instead.

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