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I have coated magnets with cyanocrylate and implanted myself. Danger?

Before knowing about biohacking sites, I have done by myself implants. The objective was to cure constant pain and delirium caused by neurologic sickness. I covered them with cyanocrylate. Two of them have become swollen, but the first one is curing well.


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  1. I discovered. It seems that two of them are broken. I will have to remove. The one in the tragus is working for now. The one that keeps my stomach with less pain is also working.

  2. which cyanoacrylate did you use? generally I'd recommend to take them out because i very much doubt they'r long term stable (think about moisture and neodymium magnets).

  3. I already removed one. The stable one I am gonna leave to see. Next, I must try silicone.

  4. I've played around with cyanoacrylates a lot actually. I've never found any that I'd use. What did you coating look like? Even with a mold, I always ended up with a really rough uneven surface. They're great to bond things together, but really don't work to coat or pot things.

  5. Yeah, it became porous, hurts to install. But they dont seem to allow moisture to affect magnets(unless badly done).

  6. A doctor here in Brazil, glued the heart of old woman with cyanocrylate. She died 14 years later for other complications. The only problem is the low resistance to impact.

  7. It's great for bonding but doesn't work as a fill or coating really. So sure, it's good for some applications but I've never seen it work for this one.

  8. It was in a urgence experiment, I chose it. Next ones, I am gonna try better. I will say if it badly works, I do not advice anyone to do same. But I wanna know a material that lasts more. I will try.

  9. A bit off topic, but I'm curious: what exactly is the implant that you put in your body to try to stop the chronic pain and delirium?

  10. On the chest, and on the forethumb. I had problems, looking for better coatings. A good magnet had more or less the effect of a painkiller.

  11. Cyanocrylate cracks easily. I m gonna research better.

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