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Soldering Class Interest?
Hey everyone! Its Shawn here. At GrindFest 4, I held a small and informal class on soldering. I hadn't planned out much, I didn't know what to expect. Now that I have my first GrindFest under my belt, and I have an idea on how things work, I am planning on a more comprehensive soldering class for Grindfest 5. The class as it is being planned out now is to complement the class Bird is instructing on Arduino.If you would like to attend please let me know so I know how much equipment to aquire. If you already know how to solder and would like to help that would be great too. My email is [email protected]. I hope to hear from you soon, cheers! - That guy with the moustache
I'd love to take part. I was bummed I missed the Arduino class as well. Its really difficult to actually start on schedule. It was a lot better this year. The use of Herald's was good. I'll make sure we have a better spot for the workshop.
The more the merrier my friend
I would love to help out
That is excellent! I am in the middle of air ticket hell but once I am in only one place I will get back to you. Thank you the more help the better I think
Will this be a regular getting started with soldering class or do you target to cover advanced implant tailored topics such as how to create high reliability joints, choice of alloys for materials you can encounter with implants etc ?
The target of the class is to move from starter level soldering to advanced soldering techniques. I didn't think that far into the future but including the different alloys and when to use them would be a most helpful addition to the class. Would you be interested in helping with this?
I'm not an expert on the topic myself. I just had to research it two days prior because i ran out of solder wire and didn't manage to get to reach an economical choice, hence my guestion. I ended up with a halogen free SnCu0.7 which is quite a bit different/more difficult to work with than my previous one (which i think had silver in it). Sn96.3Ag3.7 was on my list too but in the quantities i need them it was not exactly cheap. Sn63Pb37 seems to be the old-school choice but it's pretty hard to come by (and probably expensive). Rumors have it it's only used to repair older equipment relying on it (mainly military and telecommunication stuff) so whoever sells it is probably going to charge extra.
As for implants and lead-free solder alloys I have good news at least for the European corner. The lead-free-only rule does not apply to implants (and telco) devices.Anyway, it's probably a good idea to have samples of different sorts of solder alloys with different flux options from different companies. Maybe mailing companies such as Weller, Stannol, Edsyn and Felder and asking them for their advice could help. Or maybe asking a nearby pcb-assembly company for advice.
It might be favorable to have a good to solder alloy over having one that's incredibly long-term lasting. At least if getting the long-lasting one done right is difficult to work with so introduction of faulty joins would be the greater risk.
That's cool. So would you like to help with the class? It is being hosted at GrindFest next year.
I won't be around. I'm few thousand kilometers too far away to give soldering instructions. If there's any research-result on your end be sure to share it. I'll do the same if i happen to run across valuable information.
Oh, my apologies. I was unaware. Of course any research results will be freely shared and thank you for the offer of sharing the results you discover.