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Magnet specs

Hello All,

I am about to pull the trigger on purchasing a large group of parylene magnets for testing with implants. I have a good source that is offering reasonable pricing.

I just wanted to make sure

Magnets should be magnatized through thickness.

Parylene is a good material for implant as well.

If both of those assertions are correct I will likely be able to supply a good amount of n52 magnets to the community coated in parylene within the next 2 months.

Please let me know and I will update magnet availability providing the above are correct.


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  1. What is the expected in vivo life time? (Of the coating) What are the advantages of parylene? How much would getting a few cost?

  2. I can get them for very cheap i am not sure their projected in vivo but I do know that it is biocompatable. I will prolly pick up a bunch next paycheck and look for ways to test them.


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