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Tourniquet usage when implanting?

I have noticed in all the videos of magnetic implants that it bleeds quite a bit and if you are doing it to yourself that can make things difficult. Is there any reason to not use a tourniquet around your forearm/wrist or finger? When my implants come I plan on doing it one handed to myself and am looking for any reason a tourniquet should not be used.


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  1. You can cause a tourniquet injury, but my understanding of those types of injuries come from leaving the tourniquet on too long or twisting it harder than necessary.

    I plan on getting help but with the stigma surrounding the implants I understand if people can't get help. I'd really advise having another person there just to watch you if you pass out even if they don't want to help, Lepht should have nailed that into our heads if anything else. 
  2. In my personal experience, I have found that my fingers bleed like crazy when I tourniquet them before a cut (at the distal phalanx anyway). You definitely don't want excess blood. It will make things harder to see and harder to insert the magnet. I have never done it to the wrist. I imagine you will want to tourniquet at the proximal phalanx and not the distal phalanx, just because of the nature of the blood flow in the fingertips vs. the lower parts of the finger. I'd test it either way first by pricking two fingers with a pin (one with tourniquet and one without) & comparing the two.

    Steve Haworth implanted my magnet and he didn't use a tourniquet. I'm kind of curious why. Let us know your results.
  3. Yeah, I think I will try a tourniquet on the forearm area and see if that helps. I only worry it will do the opposite and push more blood out. We shall see when my implant arrives. I plan on making a small hole with a scapel followed by pushing a 2.8-4.0mm diameter pointed metal rod through to the area I want the magnet to sit. I think having rod rather than a follow needle should make for faster recovery. The fibers shouldn't be so messed up from the hollow center. Instead they will be pushed aside. I know they use a similar technique on spinal blocks, where the hole on The needle is on the top so there is no hole in front. Insert and suture may be difficult doing this myself, especially if there is a lot of blood still. I'll try to have a friend there and see if they will video tape it.
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