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Go Big or Go Home. Diamond coated magnets.

I'm soon to be in contact with a company specializing in CDC (Composite Diamond Coatings). Diamond, as we all know, is the golden standard of coatings seeing as it is perfectly bioinert and almost completely indestructible. The average coating thickness is 0.0508mm, with low error tolerance.

Topics I will bring up in talks:
* Maximum temperature reached in coating process, so I can guarantee no loss of magnetism.
* minimum order size
* minimum part size
* smoothness of coating. (Don't want to be cutting yourself internally for years on sharp diamond.)

Please feel free to include any thoughts, suggestions, or other tidbits. If the quotes go well I was thinking of organizing this as a group buy as diamond coating can't be the cheapest thing on the market.

Already hit a brick in the road. The company posted that:

Please note that our curing temperature may range from ambient to 750°F, and nominally 550°F - 750°F.
While this throws a monkey wrench in the works, I'm going to continue to pursue this route of questioning, in case they would be able to do any coating at a lower temperature. (Will also be researching how to re-magnetize neodymium magnets)

While remagnetizing a neodymium magnet is a simple as one, two, 9400$ equipment, I will also inquire K&J magnets, as well as other magnet retailers if I can ship them back to have them remagnetized.


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  1. It might be more cost efficient to get them coated prior to being initially magnetized, depending on what the retailers say.

  2. @countseven I don't think so. Neodymium magnets are a common product. Who buys unmagnetized neodymium compounds? This supply/demand issue would likely drive up the price of something that while is technically easier to manufacture, has no demand.

  3. I'm curious about this process. The diamond coated units I had made was done at a surprisingly low temperature. Had they gone into production they would have needed to be remagnetized. K&J will be able to do this. If not, let me know and I'll look up the people I used. You can definitely get magnets before magnetization and id ask the company if magnetism will affect their process. What process are they using to apply the coating?
    Another thing to consider.. if they hit the Curie temperature there's no going back.

  4. Have you gotten any samples?

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