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How long till the m31 and m36 are released

Again sorry I'm a noob, very new to all this and want to implant one m31 into my right left hand ring finger and the lifting m36 into my pinkie, ant ideas in how long till they are released? Thanks


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  1. Honestly, and I hope that I'm wrong, I don't think anybody really knows. I've been floating around here for probably 16-24 months and I can't remember them ever being available and I've been told that they're coming back but I'm not confident they'll ever be back. I've been wanting to implant for a long time and recently I just decided to go with the Haworth magnet.
    I'm not suggesting you do the same, but they are on sale right now.

  2. @FullDiver Did you get the finger tip magnet or magicians magnet? And dies it lift small objects? Can you fell electric magbetic waced with it yet?

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