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Hello! I am a Tenth Grader Making a School Project about Biohacking. Please Fill out my Survey!

My name is Emani Ito, and I am a student in an international school in Japan. In tenth grade, we are allowed to decide a topic to create a project about, called 'personal project'. My topic is "The Interaction Between Humanity and Machinery". It would be very nice if you could check out my survey on this topic.

Thank you!


Displaying all 16 comments
  1. Filled it out for you. Happy to help! Feel free to direct message if you have any addition questions.

  2. Completed!

  3. I have as well completed it for you!

  4. I responded. Good questions!

  5. Done.

  6. @mercrutio said:
    I responded. Good questions!
    I second this.

  7. I'm curious to see what sort of consensus of answers we give. We've never really had a discussion about this stuff, have we?

  8. Done! Great questions, I hope we get to see your project when it's done. I am curious to see what everyone else said.

  9. @countseven said:
    I'm curious to see what sort of consensus of answers we give. We've never really had a discussion about this stuff, have we?

    What if we were to reduce some of these questions to a set of 10 point agree/disagree sliders? It would be interesting to see a graph of where we all lie on these issues. Or at least an average forum opinion.

  10. Very interesting. You go kid. You're our future...

  11. Very interesting. You go kid. You're our future...

  12. I did it.

  13. Good luck on your project brother!

  14. Completed

  15. If the data has the names removed it would be good to see it at the end.

  16. @Emani_Ito said:
    My name is Emani Ito, and I am a student in an international school in Japan. In tenth grade, we are allowed to decide a topic to create a project about, called 'personal project'. My topic is "The Interaction Between Humanity and Machinery". It would be very nice if you could check out my survey on this topic.

    Thank you!

    Filled it out now, there are some great questions. One thing to keep in mind if it's relevant for you: while there is an overlap between biohacking and bodyhacking, they are not exactly the same thing. Some people might give you different answers based on which one they mean, but I think for the sake of this survey it's clear enough. If you're interested in these areas as a hobby or profession, I'm sure you'll learn and understand the difference when it becomes necessary.
    But in the meantime, keep it up! I wish I had topics like this when I was in school...

Displaying all 16 comments