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best wearables?

i was thinking about the normal wearables that you think of when you hear the word (heart rate, temperature, etc.) and i was curious if there were any anyone's found/thought up recently. if not already in existence, then what are your current ideas for the next wearables?


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  1. I was thinking about how hot it is right now, and that it would be cool to make a UV radiation exposure meter to keep track of solar damage. I'm imagining a photodetector with a UV filter over the top, calibrated for solar damage. After reaching certain thresholds of radiation, the device would chime about the danger levels. The device could be calibrated to the user, and have standard tolerances built in for the average human. It would be pretty handy out here in the South; its 40 C outside right now and can pose a pretty bad danger while working outside. Might even be a sellable device, especially if connected to a fitbit.

  2. There's already a few wearables on the market for detecting UV exposure.

  3. I use my reaction lens glasses to gauge UV levels sometimes, but having a little sensor would be cool, maybe paired with an arduino nano and then attached to the body either as jewelry of using surface bars like north sense ?

  4. I'm working at an early stage company where we are working with a wearable. It's like a smartwatch but without a screen, it communicates through vibrations instead. The interesting thing about it is that it is programable and in the end will make you able to program yourself into interpreting the vibrations without thinking about it. Take a look and tell me what you think!

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