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Wiki's up!

All engines go on our wiki: Please familiarize yourself with Oddmuse, our wiki software.


Displaying all 11 comments
  1. Is there a way to start new topics?
  2. @DirectorX:  On the wiki?  The way I've been doing it is to create a link on the front page that points to a nonexistent page, and then it creates that page for you.

  3. I've added a "Body Modifications and Bio-Hacking" and a "Grinder Resource Library" section. You can look at the description I added to see what they're for.  

    I've also Combined General and Local Anesthetics onto a single page "Anesthetics" with Local and General inside of it to cut down clutter. 

  4. Also can somebody fix the wiki page's logo? When you click it, it doesn't take you back to the home page of the wiki. A minor issue but drives me crazy for some reason.
  5. One last post I promise. Does anybody else want a discussion page on the wiki? We could discuss edits before people like me come in and start moving everything about. I don't want to be too intrusive and clutter up this page while I'm at it. 
  6. @Jackthetripper Thanks for your efforts! 

    I've forwarded your request to redirect the Sigil to our crack webmaster, @phryk. He's reachable at phryk AT biohack DOT me.

    Commenting your edits should be more than sufficient while we await steam-engine-time. When a discussion page is needed, I expect it to spontaneously emerge.

  7. Noticing that one of the new pages on the wiki is a subsection, how about putting subsections in a different section of the page, or on the other side of a divider?  Yeah, I could probably do that myself, but I don't want to do anything that drastic without getting an okay.
  8. @SovereignBleak please add this module for better viewing
  9. @oblique Please send on requests for features to either of our expert webmasters, @mydnight at mydnight AT biohack DOT me or @pryk at phryk AT biohack DOT me, respectively.
  10. @oblique: Change has been applied
  11. cool thanks
Displaying all 11 comments