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who am I ? & Questions from a noob

Hi there everybody, my name is Ammar, otherwise known as AYFAFIRE. I'm a self-taught programmer. I have 4+ years of knowledge and experience as a Pythonista (python programmer, yeah it's very fancy). I have been introduced to biohacking by un-purposely clicking on SparkFun's RFID Hand implant youtube video. I saw the whole video and fell in love with the idea of biohacking. I have searched around for some docs on how an RFID chip is programmed but couldn't find anything that I'm capable of understanding. So with that being said. What are the types of RFID chips that I can implant in my body? How is an RFID chip programmed? what are sectors when it comes to programming it? can I use python (the Python programming language) with some hardware to read/write data on it? how is the data in the chip get encrypted? can I store multiple types of data for certain types of hardware? (like my contacts when I bring it near an NFC enabled phone, unlocks my door lock when I put my hand on it, or things of that nature). Sorry for having so many questions. Much love for you awesome guys!


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  1. First of all, RFID is a big playground and there are many different implementations for different tasks.

    Most commonly (as the name suggests) RFID is just used for identification purpose. This is the biggest market and the RFID tags usually are either non-programmable or programmable. By programmable they just mean you can store data on it. Regular RFID tags don't have a cpu, ram and stuff, they are just read/write memory with some fancy interfacing.
    "Programming" or writing of those chips follows defined protocols (hardware and software) and those greatly depend on the actual kind of RFID-Tag. One of the more common tags you can find are Mifare Tags (sometimes also named NFC tags). You can read/write those with your nfc-enabled phone (there should be plenty of apps). For a computer you'd need a reader. If you happen to own an arduino or raspberry you can play with the mfrc522 module.

    But there's more to it. Not only are there myriads of different tags for identification purpose, there are also defined interfaces to do more advanced stuff like using an NFC link to transmit data between your base station and an application processor (read cpu/mircocontroller/whatever pops into your mind). You can also transmit power to a limited extend.

    long story short: the off-the-shelf tags will only get you so far, but if you stick with the protocol standards you can build hardware+software that pretty much does whatever you want. Be prepared to read up a lot. Python will be of limited use only when working with low level hardware. C will serve you well there.

  2. Are there any reader/writers that you'd recommend for me? also, what are the common types of chips that people get implanted with? I have played around with the Arduino and the mfrc522 module, my knowledge is very limited when it comes to how to program them and I just can't find a tutorial that could explain how to program them. Also thanks a lot for answering my questions, I really appreciate that <3.

  3. Hehe, these are good questions and good answers. Wiki material, booping to remind self. >3<

    Welcome in @AYFAFIRE c:

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