The forums were originally run on Vanilla and ran from January 2011 to July 2024. They are preserved here as a read-only archive. If you had an account on the forums and are in the archive and wish to have either your posts anonymized or removed entirely, email us and let us know.

While we are no longer running Vanilla, Patreon badges are still being awarded, and shoutout forum posts are being created, because this is done directly in the database via an automated task.

Grind Syndicate slack chat

If you just can't get enough of talking to grinders, biohackers, nerds, and weirdos, has an associated Slack. If that's a thing you're interested in, great! Request access at and join us!

If you don't know anything at all about slack, you can find out more and (optionally) download a client from their site. It's basically a modernized IRC, if you know what that is. There are clients available for most desktop and mobile operating systems, in most app stores.