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Why is there a lack of interest in body builder drugs?

Title says it all. I don't think I've seen anyone talk about steroids or other body building hormones. Is everyone just against pinning themselves all the time?

I feel like they're one of the most effective ways to actually improve us. You can substantially increase energy, healing, strength, stamina, and mental focus.


Displaying all 21 comments
  1. Bpc-157/hgh/etc is interesting, but most people on here care about implants and nootropics.

  2. The same reason there's a lack of interest in the electric car or hybrid engine in the automotive world, versus say the Dodge Challenger Hellcat.

  3. I'm interested in steroids and such. Do you take them? Can you explain about them? The closest I've done is just Hcg and some estrogen blocker.

  4. @Cassox I have experimented with a lot of them, but currently just take 400mg/week of test-propionate along with 2iu of gh per day. That's 18 shots per week, but I only use insulin needles so it's barely any inconvenience. You can take much much more complicated cycles, but this is my default cycle and I've gotten blood work done while on it a few times. It puts me a good bit above the average range of test(~1500 ng/dl), estrogen, and free test, but cholesterol, blood pressure, liver values ect are still within a healthy range. I stay in above average physical shape with only 2 days at the gym and 1 run per week. Having an elevated test level is worth it for the mental benefits alone though. You have more energy (mentally and physically), higher drive, sharper focus, and generally much happier. Of course there are downsides though. Test is dirt cheap, but gh is far from it. Depending on your genetics and dosages you may have to take an anti estrogen or liver support. If you're predisposed to early hairloss this could worsen it. Acne is a big one for some people, but 6 months on accutane effectively gets rid of that.

    @Zerbula I can't say I fully understand your comparison. Are you saying they're boring, or that everyone here likes boats?

  5. I wouldn't say it's fair to say a subject is boring. I personally don't have any interest in boosting my physique, my body is dealing with more urgent medical needs. Hehe. X3X

    The reason I think most people are disregarding noots is more so for its complexity versus the reality of how not fiction it is, versus say, omg I can sense electromagnetism, or ooh I have a microchip.

  6. I have a topic somewhere in here on the subject, I'm extremely into performance oriented substances. I've turned to LGD-4033 as my "steroid" (it's a SARM) of choice because the gains are really good and the side-effects are so minimal that even a really strong cycle of it makes PCT a breeze compared to other things I've taken in the past.

    In my experience the 3 biggest things people should take to see an honest, immediate improvement are:

    Athlean-X X-Cite pre-workout
    Myo-Inositol Trispyrophosphate (ITPP)

    These three things will make you stronger, be able to run farther, be able to use your muscles longer within two weeks. It's a win win, you can have your cake and eat it, too. I hover around 10%BF @ 265lb currently and finished up a Spartan Sprint in August easy mode. Big guys aren't "supposed to be able to" run very well, but fix the problems of oxygen levels and lactic acid build up, and it's like breaking physics. Really good stuff. Couple with plyometric shock jump training to really surprise people who think you're a big, slow dude that can't move.

  7. Where do you guys source these things? I'm interested in trying more of this type of thing and would like to know more.

  8. @aidoneus said:
    Where do you guys source these things? I'm interested in trying more of this type of thing and would like to know more.

    Depends what you want. Google is your best friend.

  9. I like this. This is cool to follow and watch. ^3^

    @Aeternaeon, a tad worried about joints being okay, how do they feel after pushing your body? >~<

    One of the things that in my head says "big guys shouldn't move like that" is because of their joints. Ankles and knees, hips, back, elbows and shoulders, etc. .o.

  10. This isn't my area so apologies if these are stupid questions-
    1. How noticeable is roid rage for any of you who regularly partake? I used to have this stalker who got violent and was a heavy steroid user, I'm curious how related that actually was.
    2. Do you get any interesting food cravings, like with corticosteroids?

  11. I have questions as well. Mainly: what kind of things fit into this category, and what results do each produce? I guess what I'm wondering is, where I to start something like this, what path would/should i go down?

  12. @Zerbula said:
    @Aeternaeon, a tad worried about joints being okay, how do they feel after pushing your body? >~<

    Just fine, the keys are good running form, support supplements (collagen, fish oil, occasional TB-500 cycles) and proper recovery. You won't be winning races, but you can still run really well for a given size.

    @misslitty said:
    1. How noticeable is roid rage for any of you who regularly partake? I used to have this stalker who got violent and was a heavy steroid user, I'm curious how related that actually was.
    2. Do you get any interesting food cravings, like with corticosteroids?

    1. In my case, only actual steroids (anabolic, not cortico) produce emotional changes and it's not so much that it makes a person violent so much as it changes the response to emotions. I know in my case if things happen in my life I take them a lot worse if I'm on steroids, not violent, but it's not exactly positive. Another reason I prefer SARMs, they don't invoke those kind of responses.
    2. No, but it might be different if someone was trying to take them while restricting carbs. Maybe you'd get really heavy carb cravings because they're so important for muscle fuel. Me, I simply eat more because I burn more calories regardless of what type.

    @aidoneus said:
    I have questions as well. Mainly: what kind of things fit into this category, and what results do each produce? I guess what I'm wondering is, where I to start something like this, what path would/should i go down?

    The real question is, what do you want to achieve? When you've got that figured out, then you can decide how to get there. We can't just start slinging out interesting things because that would take forever to cover them all.

  13. @Aeternaeon I'm also a "big guy". I'm 6'2 and about 265 and want to be able to run longer, climb more easily/get tired less (I rock climb as a hobby), and also not suffer extremely negative side affects. I'm not really looking to "bulk up" or anything like that. Just make some things easier/different.

  14. Life's always a compromise and in our case we've got the deck stacked against us. We statistically die first, have bad joints develop, can't run as far or as fast, but we can be better than average at most of those plus be strong at an elite level. First, I highly recommend Athlean-X X-Cite. Google will bring it up easy. The ingredients are damn near what I'd pick for a custom daily supplement with everything in it and they don't skimp on the good stuff. Two weeks of pre-loading will have the beta-alanine in your system and will help you buffer lactic acid so much better in addition to a healthy stimulant dose and other items that increase your ability to store and renew muscle ATP.
    Basically, you can do more for longer. Running, lifting, you name it.
    ITPP another gentleman suggested, it forces your blood's hemoglobin to release more oxygen into the muscles. The value of this should be obvious. Between the two of them, you are no-bullshit increasing your cardio by supplements alone. Whatever you can do right now you'll do better. It's a guarantee. I also personally find mitochondria boosting supplements to help - Niagen and CoQ-10 seem to make a different but it's not as dramatic. Stacked onto the aforementioned items though, it's just even further gain. SR-9009 is a peptide that's also supposed to do the same thing but I haven't had the chance to try it yet. Probably stacks famously with Niagen and CoQ-10 for endurance.

    Footnotes, if you get winded before you'd like or you get bad lactic acid build-up and limbs feel like they're made of lead these will help immensely.

    I think personally that we as humans are "detuned" for survival so that we're more efficient with our food intakes. These items will definitely increase your appetite and you'll need to up your diet. Or don't, if you want to lean out a bit.

    This is all very nutshell info and not complete by any means, but it's the gist of some basics you can do to increase your endurance. I should also add that taking the Athlean-X is a great time to add in a nootropic that pairs well with stimulants - I like to throw in phenibut on off days and shoot some semax up my nostrils. I'm kind of an outlier in that I'm all jacked up on just about everything, but my vitals check out, I don't wake up with sore joints, etc. So far so good. Your mileage may vary.

  15. Thanks so much. I appreciate the advice. I'm gonna start looking into all this and phasing it into my life.

  16. Will vouch for mood swings on steroids. Been taking Prednisone for a couple months now, it seems...

    Constant leg cramps and horribly unstable moods swings and shifts. Really really would not suggest for no reason. ;_;

  17. @Aeternaeon said:
    I have a topic somewhere in here on the subject, I'm extremely into performance oriented substances. I've turned to LGD-4033 as my "steroid" (it's a SARM) of choice because the gains are really good and the side-effects are so minimal that even a really strong cycle of it makes PCT a breeze compared to other things I've taken in the past.

    No need to worry about a PCT if you're always on something. Im a blast and cruise kind of guy. Sarms are good place to start if you're only interested in them for gaining some size.
    In my experience the 3 biggest things people should take to see an honest, immediate improvement are:

    Athlean-X X-Cite pre-workout
    Myo-Inositol Trispyrophosphate (ITPP)

    These three things will make you stronger, be able to run farther, be able to use your muscles longer within two weeks. It's a win win, you can have your cake and eat it, too. I hover around 10%BF @ 265lb currently and finished up a Spartan Sprint in August easy mode. Big guys aren't "supposed to be able to" run very well, but fix the problems of oxygen levels and lactic acid build up, and it's like breaking physics. Really good stuff. Couple with plyometric shock jump training to really surprise people who think you're a big, slow dude that can't move.
    That's mildly misleading. No one will get to 265 at 10% from just sarms. They're probably enough to hold you there though. Congrats on the Spartan Sprint. I did one last year. It was loads of fun.

    @aidoneus said:
    Where do you guys source these things? I'm interested in trying more of this type of thing and would like to know more.

    I buy local, but you can buy online. Mostly dark web and bitcoin. I would only advise ordering the more common and cheaper stuff like test, anadrol, tren ect

    @misslitty said:
    This isn't my area so apologies if these are stupid questions-
    1. How noticeable is roid rage for any of you who regularly partake? I used to have this stalker who got violent and was a heavy steroid user, I'm curious how related that actually was.
    The term roid rage is pretty misleading. The extreme emotional swings that some have come mostly from mismanaging your estrogen levels. Someone else pointed out that you wont have this with sarms which is false. Sarms can cause just as many issues with your hormone levels at higher dosages.
    2. Do you get any interesting food cravings, like with corticosteroids?
    I get some weird food cravings, but I can't say it's from the gear.

    @Zerbula said:
    I like this. This is cool to follow and watch. ^3^

    @Aeternaeon, a tad worried about joints being okay, how do they feel after pushing your body? >~<

    One of the things that in my head says "big guys shouldn't move like that" is because of their joints. Ankles and knees, hips, back, elbows and shoulders, etc. .o.

    Most steroids increase the water you hold and that helps with joints. A lot of seriously big guys run a nandrolone to decrease/eliminate joint pain. GH also helps a lot with healing the small injuries extremely quickly.

    @aidoneus said:
    @Aeternaeon I'm also a "big guy". I'm 6'2 and about 265 and want to be able to run longer, climb more easily/get tired less (I rock climb as a hobby), and also not suffer extremely negative side affects. I'm not really looking to "bulk up" or anything like that. Just make some things easier/different.

    Look into turinabol, halotestin, gw50156 and sr9009. Just to give you some key drugs that do exactly what you're asking. I would just recommend trying a test only cycle to start with. You'll see and feel an increase in what you're asking for.

  18. I respectfully disagree. SARMs have come a long, long way and I've gained significant strength with size on ligandrol cycles with less worry about organ enlargement. My first SARM cycle, I went from benching 360 to 405, deadlifting 550 to 615, and all without worrying about bulking. Plus, many SARMs are specifically meant to burn fat off, so if you go above your target weight - LGD-4033 is actually what got me from 265 to 285 once upon a time - then take cutting SARMs with good diet, 265 at 10% is not far fetched at all. Bearing in mind, I'm 6'3" so although that's definitely big it's not HUGE in the realm of IFBB standards or whatever.

    I highly recommend anyone legitimately interested in performance to keep their eyes on SARM development. Right now it's close, but a good steroid cycle is still stronger but honestly, the increase in gains is marginal and not worth all the other possible issues. And in another 5, 10 years max the old system of classic steroid + test cycle is probably going to be obsolete entirely.

  19. Hey Mog,
    Why aren't you using longer or mixed ethers? Could save a bunch of pins... and how are you getting test prop through an insulin needle?

    @Aeternaeon If you want to get in without aftercare and no needles, can try looking into Anavar (is a pill, no shots). Is considered excellent for things like going longer, less side effects, no bulking. It's not test-based, so you can stop without serm, and even women can use it.
    As far as joints go, the key is not going nuts. If you boost your routine from like 200lbs on legs to 400 in a month, you're going to build the muscle for it; but not the knee joint cartilage.

  20. @Erischilde I prefer short ethers so I have more control over when I want to stop/mix things up. I really don't mind pinning something everyday, and whenever I'm on gh I'm taking 3-5 shots a day anyways.
    Anything that I'm doing more than a few IU I backload the insulin needle. As long as you're decently lean and doing sub 100ml per shot you can use a 29 gauge 1/2 insulin needle for basically anything.

  21. @Aeternaeon, IRC?
    throw in some mk677 and GH boosters (topical DHEA + melatonin+arginine+gaba on top of mk works wonders for igf1). Ive heard sr9009 isnt active orally due to liver metabolism so stick with cardarine for cardio. Just be sure to cycle it

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