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The net achievement of the community so far?
What I wanted to ask is if there is someone who can easily summarize how far biohacking has come since its inception with Lepht first inserting an RFID into its (is that the proper term? the wired article indicates it is a female but are we using it's preferred pronoun out of courtesy?) hand. The reason I am asking is actually because I am impressed with what I read so far, to the tune of actually being mind-boggled at some points. As in, actual practical discussions of gene alteration? In my lifetime? Holy crap!
What have you done, and how have you done it?
What have you talked about and how many new practical goals have you set for yourselves?
I would love to be a part of this community, contributing in whatever way I can. Right now that is, gushing about it to my friends. But I don't have a whole lot of hard evidence that this is worthwhile to the Great Skeptics among them. As in, there aren't any logs of people actually modding their genes yet, or anything other than magnets or RFIDs it seems. I understand much of the advancement is understanding your limits thusfar, such as the transdermal discussion.
I appreciate any responses I get.
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The initial goal of this forum was to a) get the magnet implants to everyone, and have people implant them, and b) do some development of the Southpaw (the implanted version of the Northpaw). Right now, the Southpaw's on hold to get two more projects in. Also, I hope that we can get some biology/genetic engineering projects going, especially since we've discovered electroporation as a method of getting foreign objects into cells. As it turns out, electroporators are such ridiculously simple circuits, that they might be given as a problem on a freshman physics exam, so I think that genetic engineering via this method falls completely within the biohacking realm.
Oh excellent! I'll look into that article on I've of the threads I bookmarked. What of this haptics category then?
there is currently some experiments going on with a bunch of chips from texas instruments.they could serves as analog frontend for a direct neural→microcontroller interface. the chips arrived aswell as the breakout pcb's. had no time to wire it up or test them so far , due to exams, work, moving in a new appartement. i hope i can get some stuff done starting june or so.
If I may ask, what do you intend to use the module you're designing for? It sounds a lot cooler than my idea ;D
for now, they are only intended to be general purpose building blocks. stuff people can re-use to create stuff that does something.
"As in, actual practical discussions of gene alteration? In my lifetime? Holy crap!..." I know of people who have done silencing work on themselves, and one chap who has self inoculated. There are others who have created autoimmune responses against targets. 'Tis a brave new world, J
@Joshua : Wait, who is this and when did this happen?
RNA interference was last autumn, Self inoculation was over a year back, and the autoimmune induction was jan this year, although I suspect that it has been going on for a few years.
As for who, they are all bodybuilders bar one who is a pro in combat sports.
Are you talking gene doping here?That would be a shame, since it makes it difficult to get more information :PBut seriously, is there more documentation you could link to?
Which chips from TI are you using? That sounds interesting.
I think he's referring to the ADS1191-ADS1298 series. They are quite interesting. I've got a bunch of samples lying around, and had a handful of breakout boards manufactured for me, but I haven't had the time to play with them yet.
Thanks, those look good.
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