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Feeling DC current with M31
I've had my magnet in me for quite a while now and I've gotten used to most of the day-to-day fields, like the microwave and my laptop. I recently bought a vaporizer ( if anyone wanted to know the specifics) and I've noticed that quite often I'd feel a vibration in my implant when I would use the device. Except, I thought you could only really feel AC current (since the magnet has to oscillate). Any explanations?
I'm thinking maybe I'm picking up the effects of a current-feedback op amp? Or is it just that the field generated by the coil is wavering in amplitude, giving the sensation of vibration in my magnet?
The reason why you mostly feel AC is based upon the way your fingers and fingerprints work. The reason why you have fingerprints is not for getting a better hold on things but to generate vibrations when moving over surfaces. Your fingertips are full of mechanoreceptor cells to detect vibrations. This way you can detect tiny surface imperfections ranging down to the micrometer level. If you'r interested in more information I recommend reading
I'm not deep into vape tech but from what I know the atomizer requires pretty high currents to operate. Numbers vary but it appears 2-digit A ratings are not uncommon. Chances are those atomizers operate at very low voltage too which means the voltage needs to be stepped down using a switched power supply in order to not short the battery. Now the tricky point is that you probably won't feel the stepping-down since it operates at high frequencies (5kHz and up, typically 50k to 200k) to work with small components. It's more likely that your device uses pulse width modulation to control the overall power it delivers to the atomizer. So my best guess is you feel exactly that as it would be high currents switched on and off at frequencies which your mechanoreceptors are sensitive for.
depends on your mod and your atty, if you are going with a low resistance build and a mod that does pwm then it is pulsating dc, witch is akin to ac, or if you are doing temperature control with a yihy board then it is always pwm, because most of those do step up and then pwm to do tc, and even with the much smoother wave of a dna board on tc there is still some sawblade wave going on as the board updates the wattage but it always overshoots or undershoots just a little bit to keep the temperature in the ballpark.
and on top of those things your coil is not just there being a resistance, it is also just that, a coil which helps make a bigger em field.
if you don't want the sensation every time you use your vape you can go with a mechanic mod (but remember ohms law to calculate a safe battery and beware of shorts) or go with a pass trough with proper protections, and you will get a pure dc signal to your coil.
The reason that the magnet responds to ac current has nothing to do with fingerprints. AC current creates an electromagnet. What is this about fingerprints?
I don't know why you would feel DC, though. That's weird.
... electromagnetism is going to generate a magnetic field perpendicular to the electrical force generated.
If you have an a.c. you'll feel the oscillations of the field interact with the magnetic field of the magnet.
If there is a d.c. you'll get a solid field that will interact and push or pull against the field.
A single slight tug isn't quite as notable as say, a vibration. But there isn't any reason you couldn't feel a d.c. field.
Not disagreeing with anyone here. >3<
That makes sense. I was thinking, after I posted, that it's certainly possible to create an electromagnet with DC. That's how coilguns work.
The fingerprint thing was just the explanation why you feel alternating magnetic fields a lot better than static magnetic fields. Btw, if there's current (no matter if AC/DC/mixed) you'll always get magnetic fields.
@QuantumD0t you can find the source of your sensation by simply wiring up a small wire-loop to an oscilloscope (or a soundcard input) and see what readings you get. The smaller the loop the better you can pinpoint the source.