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The complete guide to magnet implants

Hi All,

Since I was getting a new magnet implant, I thought it was about time to make a new video about it. As you may have noticed there isn't really a great source for all of the information when it comes to magnets. There's the odd blog post, and a fair bit on the wiki and throughout various threads, but it's never really all been in one place. So I tried to include as much of the information that's been generated over the years as physically possible. Here's the link to the video:

Now a question for ya'll. First, do you think the video sufficiently covers things? Was there anything glaring, or did I miss something?

If it does, how does everyone feel with me announcing this thread so that people can find it quickly and have most of their questions answered?


Displaying all 27 comments
  1. Really good video, although 2 things It would be nice if in the description you included a link to and a list of what you think to be reliable sources for magnets.

  2. Added the link. Since magnet suppliers vary wildly anything I put would change very quickly. I think it's better for people to come here to see what's available since it'd be more up to date.

  3. Thanks, it's true that magnet suppliers are unreliable but since you got one done I thought you've found a reliable source.

  4. Just talked with Glims. Since there's been so much interest, we're actually gonna see about getting another batch from the same supplier. Not sure how long it'll take to get them made and tested, but either way, should have something soonish hopefully. That said, I'd rather not flood this thread with requests to have us put people on a list. We'll make a new thread when things are ready.

    Back to the topic at hand though, thoughts on announcing this thread? Do people think the video is worthwhile as a resource?

  5. I think it would be a great intro post to biohacking

  6. Haven't watched video (out and about atm), but I kinda want to tear out all the little bits and put them I'm the wiki, too, if that's possible.

    I keep meaning to actually start plugging away at making the wiki a library with everything in it we could ever want... But I'm totally on steroids right now avoiding the hospital. Priorities. ;^;

    Will definitely have a bit more um... relevant things to say when I actually watch. Pardon the uselessness. >3<

  7. The video is up on Hackaday.

  8. SWEET!

  9. Very cool. I watched the video a few times before I did my magnet implant today. In the video it looks like you implant the magnet very close to the incision which I've heard can lead to rejection. What are your thoughts?

  10. as I mentioned in the video, the pocket should be a lot deeper than the magnet so the opening has room to close and heal properly. That was an early shot from when we were testing the fit and hadn't pushed it in the whole way. Eitherway you need to leave enough room for the stitch.

  11. Ok cool just confirming, since I have a friend who knows haworth and thats what he told me.

  12. Wow, that's a lot better than the videos that were available a few years ago when I did my own implant! I would have liked to see more discussion of the sizes (diameter and thickness) that are currently recommended.

  13. Hey guys I was hoping you could answer some of my questions about magnet implants? I just ordered two magnets from Steve Haworth and I'm planing on putting them in my tragus. so my first question is do you guys have any advice on how to implant them with a piercing needle? the state I live in doesn't allow for body artists to use scalpels. My second question is that I've read on this forum that the reason people loose sensitivity of the magnet in their finger is that eventually the biocoating does break down being in an area that gets so much contact with other things and then the magnet starts to break down. will I ever have to worry about the coating breaking down in my tragus? I know I'm not gonna have any senseitivity to the magnets moving in my ear but I wanna know if I'm gonna have to replace them every 5 years or something? Thanks!

  14. When it comes to magnets there are two reasons that a magnet will stop working 1 is because it had to be remagnetized after being coated meaning the magnetism will gradually fade, or coating failure meaning the body will start breaking the magnet down haworth magnets are generally thought of as safe but even so eventually the magnet will probably demagnetize

  15. Can you do a video about how to remove the implant. So if we need to remove it, there is a good example of how to remove it.

  16. i just wanted to say that i used this video as a guideline when i did my own implant.
    the implant went smoothly and painlessly (and with very little bleeding). and so far, its healing really nicely, no pain/inflammation/sensation loss in the finger.
    i still dont really know the scope of the feeling im supposed to feel when its fully healed, but i could sense the magnet in my phone :D

    So thx :D

  17. > @JakePunk said:
    > Can you do a video about how to remove the implant. So if we need to remove it, there is a good example of how to remove it.

    I second this option

  18. @JakePunk said:
    Can you do a video about how to remove the implant. So if we need to remove it, there is a good example of how to remove it.

    I third this. As well as talk about the signs of rejection, timing of removal, wound care, etc.

  19. Otherwise, I thought it was very well done.

  20. You did an amazing job on the vid

  21. I am a noob to grinding and new here, so i apologize if this is in the wrong place to post this. I watched this video about a year ago and im still super hyped to get a magnetic implant, so I figured it was time to actually get the ball rolling on this. I have been trying to source magnets as that seems to be the hardest thing to get from the threads on the magnet forum. However, I have found several websites like, and that have TiN coated N52 magnets, so I am wondering if there is a reason I dont see these mentioned anywhere as good sources. thnx @chironex for the amzing vid!

  22. also what is the typical size for a magnet implant? for some reason I was thinking 5mm diameter by 2mm thick.

  23. From what I've seen, the "typical" size for a sensing magnet is 3mm diameter by 1mm height. The smaller mass makes it easier for an external field to vibrate the magnet.

    Sourcing a reliable magnet is definitely an issue lately. I think most of the members of the community that have experience with coatings have become fatigued by the repeated failures with thin film deposition methods on a DIY budget. Most of the activity I've seen lately relates to thermoplastics.

    I'm not an expert, but I have sourced a TiN coated magnet from an ordinary manufacturer and implanted it (like you're proposing). The coating is so thin, and the magnets are treated so roughly, that it would be nigh impossible to source a commercial magnet that does not have microscopic cracks and fissures in the TiN, which allow your body to break it down. I had to remove mine after a year. I've attached a picture.

    Silicone is a pretty reliable coating method that is not difficult to master, although it dramatically increases the size of the magnet. You could consider buying the magnets you talked about and add a second silicone coating yourself. Just make sure it passes at least the salt-bath test.

    You could also check out other posts on the forum that talk about coatings magnets in thermoplastics like HDPE or PET. Just remember that many coating methods require heating. If the magnet is brought anywhere near its Curie temp, it will dramatically affect the field strength.

  24. thanks, that makes sense! One review on said that the TiN coating had about a 60% fail rate after 72hrs of the salt bath test. according to they can also coat w/ Parylene C ( Is that a safer option as far not cracking? Ive messed around w/ HDPE some before so that might be a good option for me.

  25. also, are lips/cheeks viable places for magnet implants? id imagine it can get a lot messier as there is no way to use a tourniquet, but im just wondering if it has been done or if there is another reason i haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.

  26. I switched from a TiN coated magnet to having a parylene coated one that my body mod artist happened to have. I've had it in for about 6 months with no issues, but it's certainly not going to last forever. I'm also really not looking forward to the removal, because parylene binds to your tissues.

    I'm not familiar with implanting magnets in the face. It sounds like a poor idea though. You can't really use sub-dermal magnets as anchors for anything, so why would you want to have to get your lips near to the field you're trying to sense?

  27. Ya'll, make a new thread, or choose one of the other 8 million magnet threads for this conversation.

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