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My questions about an implant
Hi! I'm really interested in magnetic implants, I have read a lot about it, and I think I'm going to get one soon, but I have few questions:
1) how far are you feeling a field, i.e. microwaves' ones or your phones' ones?
2) have you ever dreamt a field?
3) do your implants create troubles in your workout at the gym?
I'm Italian, so I don't know English very well, I'm sorry if I did any mistakes.
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i am not having a magnetic implant myself. but for point 1) you only feeld magnetic fields (mostly alternating fields). you cant feel stuff like radio-waves, they are ways too high frequency to move the magnet at all.
as for 3) as far as people reported here, a properly implanted and healed magnet wont cause any trouble. iirc someone even reported to be climbing with implants.
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