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Biohacking for better sex?

Hi all,

I'm a journalist working on a feature about how biohacking and sensory augmentation may help shape the future of sex. I'm aware of a few projects with improving sex among their goals, but would love to hear from anyone on this forum about related efforts, or just your thoughts on the topic in general.

Thanks for your time,

Eric Mack
Contributing Editor, CNET


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  1. Hello hello, welcome to the party. ^^ General thoughts? Well, my own two cents. Ultimately, at the end of the day, the goal of biohacking is, in my eyes, to use technology to improve the human condition. It's a pretty wide open topic of interest. Personally, I love to see people accomplish what they wish. So long as it isn't causing others hardships... If someone wants to be able to log biological feedback on their body, and implant devices that monitor their tempurature and pulse and glucose levels, awesome! If people want to alter their diet to see into near UV spectrums, that's great! If someone wants to implant a vibrator into the base of their genitals... Okay, honestly, it embarrasses me more than can properly be expressed in text. But it's a goal of a person. If they can design and utilise new technology to create something functional, I'm all for supporting it. Maybe not directly, but the applications of design and information learned from it's development may be useful to much more than itself. It's not my own cup of tea personally, but have watched a few projects related float about. Totally support them. Just not hands on directly, but will totally encourage it for the sake of education, development, and at the end of the day, their own pursuit of improving the human condition.
  2. Oh my, you're steering into a minefield with this one... What do you mean by sex? Better in what way? Better for who? I think we should be careful when even raising the idea because of the implicit message that "to be a better lover you need to get this invasive thing done" has an ugly history. I do want to ask Rich Lee if any woman ever told him that a vibrating penis was what she really wanted from him. 

    As always, I recommend reaching out to sex researcher / agony aunt Petra Boynton for guidance on reporting sex-things. 

  3. Personally, I'd take an empathy boosting implant over a finger magnet any day. If I play into the conceit, then yes, by virtue of extending senses you provide a new ground on which to find a connection with someone - in the same way you can listen to music together, you could feel earthquakes or watch UV phenomena (or caress magnetic fields - see Millikan's piece above). But practically: sex and relationships are so incredibly complex that there's already 1 million things you could do to address issues in your sex life without resorting to body hacks. 
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