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Flat NFC (better read range)

So I have 6 "flexible" (they aren't super flexible like silicone) nfc implants ntag 213 chips and I would like to give them to people for testing. I'd like to get my cost back on them, but really want to see them used.

I have coated them with stuff that I have coated raw mangets with (have been in me and other for over a year) and wanted to see how easy it would be to put into an nfc format. They implant its self is tiny but the flat antenna makes my pixel xl read them from about an inch away. So way better range than any of the glass tags. They are just about the same as DT and but they are smaller than both I think and much cheaper.

If I have a lot of requests I might do another larger batch of them when the first rounds of people give me the go ahead on being okay, and I'll try to make batch 2 more flexible.

The less flexible stuff makes it super solid on the coating and much less likely to rip like silicone would. I can't even the coating to scratch with a blade, yet it still does flex to about 90deg.

Post questions here and let me know if you want one by posting here of PM me.


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  1. I am very interested and would be willing to help with in vivo testing. Would you mind giving me more information on the coating you used?

    I am planning on using one, or preferably two, of the nfc's to be implanted and be used as an encrypted compressed portable information database that could be used when processed with a sort of processor for instance a smartwatch. The plans I have for the tags would make a very secure encryption and I would be happy to make a thread on this when I have more data.

    This is a side project I have been looking into for approximately a year now and would be happy to do more research on this and help you with testing at the same time.
  2. I'd test one like.
  3. I'd like to get one.
  4. i signed up for the VivoKey Flex beta, which is in a similar vein. i saw elsewhere that you are located in Utah (i'm in SLC). i'm definitely interested in an NFC implant and/or meeting up to talk about tech/grinding :)

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