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Hacks for Heart Disease

So, it struck me that a rather simple way to extend our lifespan would be to start creating biohacks to combat the leading causes of death in the middle-aged and elderly. A quick Google search suggests that heart disease is currently the leading cause of death, so I figured I'd start there @chironex was working on the FIREFLIES system awhile back; In short, "Nanomachines, son." I don't know how far he's developed it yet, but I'd but they'd be great for breaking down arterial plaque. The react series might be able to actively remove "bad" cholesterol from the blood stream too, but I don't know enough about biochemistry yet to know whether it'd be possible or effecient. Does anyone else have any ideas about how this could be dealt with, beyond the usual "Eat healthy, get enough exercise, and quit smoking"? And are nanomachines even a reasonable answer at this point?


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  1. If you're feeling motivated you should check out some of these publications They have been developing chemically linked iron oxide nanoparticles which can be powered by an external magnetic field to produce a propellor motion to remove arterial plaque buildup. It's definitely feasible and if I remember correctly it's currently being practiced. There's the perpetual problem of restenosis but if this procedure becomes inexpensive enough that would be less of an issue.
  2. I'll just leave this here: LINK
  3. The real problem about cholesterol, is that it is not really clear that a bad cholesterol exist. The cholesterol ligands to Calcium in the blood stream right after ligand to the aortic walls. Why do the calcium keeps on the blood stream? Is it because of a lack of D vitamin (cholecalciferol) ?, is it because a lack of flexibility in the arteries?. Under my opinion, lacks of flexibility in the arteries could causes the problem, as it causes wrinkles in the skin or macular degeneration and presbyopia. Could it all come from the same problem? Biologist scientists should work on this matter, and supply a peptide to supply this in the body
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