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Methods of acquiring gold and TiN coated N52 + implantation idea + new method of testing coated N52


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  1. I rewatched Ben's video and he did use parchment paper but he was heat curing the epoxy.  I'll try both parchment and wax paper when I get the epoxy.

    They (Atom Adhesives) seem to have fast shipping.  My order is scheduled to be delivered Monday.  It might even make it here on Saturday.

    I should have some cheap nickel coated magnets here and some slightly more expensive parylene coated ones that I intend to coat with the epoxy.

    I will start my own thread when I start working on the coating.  I ordered the low viscosity version which I am hoping will make getting a thin coating easier.
    EDIT: Here's my own thread

  2. Birdhandz pm me if you have positive results and I will look into helping you. I am interested in getting the epoxy coated with the resources I have through this forum instead of through a company and then having TiN coated separately. If I go this route I am also looking into getting the magnet's coated in pure Titanium again.

    Having the manufacturer test it may cost approximately $50-$75 however it is the only way to get the epoxy layer tested unless we can get it coated using another source.
  3. i am a medicine student from india
    an uk based company is already selling biocompatible, hypoallergenic, titanium encased 12000-14000 gauss neodymium magnets but, they are big in size and cannot be implanted in fingers but, they can be implanted in palm or wrist or some other suitable area in body
    we can contact this company to make biocompatible magnet encased in implant grade titanium or i would prefer the magnets to be coated in titanium gold because titanium gold is even more biocompatible beside that titanium gold is a magnetic material it can be magnetised it is attracted to magnets so it will protect the magnet from loosing its property

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