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Weird Anemia

Hey all,

I have had some issues lately that the doctors haven't been able to help much yet.  I am still going to be following up with the doctor(s) and look even more into it with them.  Despite this I would like some ideas from you all as many of you seem to be rather knowledgeable in medicine, also I want some crazy rare ideas here.  NOTE: I understand this is not a usual post, but I want some other opinions on my case as I am an otherwise completely healthy individual.

My issue is that I had severe anemia about two months ago for one week.  After I started taking lots (65mg elemental iron, +fortified cereals) of iron the symptoms subsided some.  A week ago I had my blood drawn again and my hemoglobin has come up fairly nicely.  After conferring with the doctors they could not quite tell what caused it (I have an excellent diet and certainly get my daily iron even before supplementing it).  We thought it might be an ulcer.  I received a colonoscopy and an upper GI endoscopy yesterday in order to find out what was going on.  All we saw was some inflammation in the duodenal bulb and the gastric body and gastric antrum.  During the prep for the procedure I had to stop taking iron.  After doing this my anemia symptoms began to manifest themselves.  Therefore I do not think it was an ulcer that healed(also after colonoscopy the doctor said he didn't see any ulcer).  I have even had blood tests done for celiac disease which came up negative.

I would greatly appreciate all of your inout on this.  I can't figure out what might be causing this issue.  All my blood values are within normal ranges, other than