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Modify your own genetics to have a high proportion of fast twitch muscle?

Could i modify myself become a faster athlete?
"These are ACE and ACTN3 genes. Independent research has confirmed the connection between the genotype of ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) and athletic performance. ACE gene has two gene variants: ACE I and ACE D. Gene variant ACE I raises ability in endurance sports or, in other words, the bearer of this gene has averagely higher endurance. Researches have indicated a more frequent occurrence of this gene combination on many top sportsmen of several endurance sports (running, skiing, rowing, triathlon etc). The bearers of gene variant ACE D have, on the contrary, averagely better abilities of strength and speed." 
 I need ACTN3 and ACE D but if i could change them would they affect my fiber type composition as an adult? are there any other know genes to affect this?


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  1. Even if you could change them wouldn't it take a very long time of working out before you rebuild the muscle to the point of noticing a change?
  2. I dont know how it works, but i am willing to learn. Anyone know if i can acheive this?
  3. Please more input
  4. Honestly, this just doesn't seems feasible on the hobbyist level. If you want to make it reality though you will have to work hard. I would start by teaching yourself all you can about the topic. Do you have any experince in the world of gene editing/therapy? 
  5. No chrisbot how would i start though? Can you help me a bit
  6. I am much more technologically inclined so I cannot offer you any direct insight into such things. However, I would start with the basics, maybe even start with reading through a few entry level text books, do some research and possibly reach out to a local university and see if there is someone to mentor you. Such a project would probably take quite a while to yield tangible results, and there are probably people already working on something that. If it was easy then people would already be doing it.
  7. ou would start by first identifying which virus you would want to use to spread this throughout your body (I am assuming you don't want the effect to be localized) seeing if there are companies that sell plasmids for the specified genes you are trying to use then you would use your preferred method the modify the virus into just  inserting that DNA/ gene into you genome and take the virus as you would a vaccine 
  8. What kind of person should i approach for this at a university? A biologist?
  9. You'll probably want to consult with both a geneticist and a virologist, Then once you have the delivery virus made, run some tests on lab rats & the like.  It won't be a short process.
  10. It seems to me that another issue even if you were to succeed would be your connective tissues not holding up to the sudden increased load. If tomorrow you woke up and could move your muscles faster and with more power and literally no other change, you'd probably start pulling and tearing everything if you tried to actually use them.
  11. After the genes change would my muscle fiber compositiom change or remain as is
  12. i need ace DD
    actn3 CC
    AGT CC
    IL-6 GG
    CRP AA
    SOD2 TT
    TNF GG
    COL1A1 TT
    not sure about 
    how can i get all these genes? and will changing them instantly bring about their benefits? 

  13. Assuming you can get the genes properly switched out with no conflicts, you wouldn't see an immediate change.

    Unfortunately, skeletal muscle cells have an extremely long lifespan, with an average of 10-15 years per cell.  Also, once mature, they don't perform mitosis, they just develop additional muscle fibers within the cells.  

    I think, if you change out those genes successfully, the new fibers will express those changes, but you'll still have to develop them like normal.  Also, I don't know if there will be problems from having multiple types of fiber within the same cell.  

    Like we said, test on animals first.  And be prepared for it to take a while.
  14. I hate when I go into a forum looking for answers to a question and the forum members all pile on useless opinions suggesting alternatives instead of just answering the freaking question, however...

    I think in this case it's actually warranted. For the end result you are trying to achieve, it seems that currently there is no quick solution yet available. Modifying the genetics then waiting for your body to slowly change itself just doesn't seem the better choice than diet and exercise.

    Your best bet honestly is to heavily research the drugs out there that will speed up muscular recovery, tendon development, and cortical remodeling. Then, gear training around developing fast twitch muscles using the PEDs to speed progress by several magnitudes. The peptide industry is an amazing frontier and there's no limit to the number of things you can research and take that will help you. You'll also learn about other factors you'll need to know to use your muscles longer before they turn into lead weights on you.

    After this, genetic therapy would probably be more effective anyway since you'd benefit more directly from increasing your "max" beyond what's natural and in the meantime you'd be able to research how better to do this, maybe even establish resources in your hunt for items that'll get you to your current genetic max.

    In the end, it's the results that matter. "Does it work?" is the foremost concern and diet and training work. If you don't learn how to push yourself, even the most clever enhancement will fall in the face of someone who trained hard and enhanced themselves with the latest PEDs.
  15. I use test e and winstrol and do pylometric training with Muscular stimulation as well but it seems that there is no real ped that can change the fiber type drastically so ive turned to this and im aware its unrealistic but id really like to try.  
  16. On your other question, if you're certain you have the sequence you want worked out completely, there are several companies that will do the gene synthesis for you, just do a google search for gene synthesis.  I can't tell you quality, or how it's shipped.  

    You're looking at thousands of dollars for research batches though. It's not something you can throw together in your garage,
  17. "Unfortunately, skeletal muscle cells have an extremely long lifespan, with an average of 10-15 years per cell. Also, once mature, they don't perform mitosis, they just develop additional muscle fibers within the cells." I dont knowhow absurd this is too ask but is there a way to get mitosis in muscle fibers and speed it up or is this impossiable
  18. There's a couple sources of stem-like cells that form into new muscle cells to repair severe damage, as talked about in the first link below.
    The second article suggests that it's possible to induce mitosis in previously "terminally developed" cells, like skeletal muscle, through additional genetic manipulation.  
    Alternatively, you could consider a Follistatin modification, though prior studies in animals couldn't link myostatin induced muscle mass to an increase in strength. The third article is a brief on a study of follistatin.

  19. Bump, would like to see more thoughta

  20. If you could change it your best bet would be to be very nonactive for a while, then when your muscles are atrophied start working out and building muscle which will of course have the new variety.

  21. Only news I can offer is that in light of recent "DIY genetic engineering" progress, I spent some time just last night reading NCBI articles on myostatin knockout used in lab mice.

    The research so far is a little muddled but there is strong suggestion that myostatin is more important than we thought, helping with collagen synthesis and muscle having higher amounts of mitochondria. At the very least, simply "removing" myostatin with no other modifications at all does not seem ideal. You will become more injury prone and presumably unable to work your muscles for as long of periods.

    I say this is muddled because it's not a sure thing. But a significant loss of collagen synthesis and weaker tendon fibers have been reported in more than one study.

    I would be interested in studies ran on that one woman who had her myostatin gene knocked out along with getting her telomeres genetically extended. Now that it's been awhile, I'd be curious to see how resilient her muscles and tendons actually are. She may have actually messed herself up, collagen is as important to youth as anything. But... there's so many factors we DON'T know in those other studies. It's possible a human can compensate with proper diet and supplementation to alleviate those issues.

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