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Biohackers & FDA - Call to Action
At Bodyhacking Con there was discussion about the Josiah Zayner & David Ishee chat on Biohackers and the FDA. In particular the biohacking - DIY Bio community is pushing back against the FDA proposed regulation "Intentionally Altered Genomic DNA in Animals". This is a starting point for regulation into our community and we should be working together to obtain the best outcome.
Please watch the video: and take action:
- Leave comments for the FDA on the potential new regulation. The FDA has an open to the public "request for comments" on this proposed regulation. Comments close Apr 19 2017, at 11:59 PM
If you aren't sure what to write, you can check out the 200+ public comments for ideas
Other things we can do:
- Raise awareness and support through media
- Write a blog post about the conflict the DIY Bio part of our community is experiencing
- Make/go on a podcast about this issue
- Interview someone in the DIY Bio community and publish it
- Social media posts (I know, I know but it is a factor)
- Reach out to your DIY Bio contacts and see what they need, let the rest of us know if there is more we can do to help
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To quote DirectorX "This is your last day to write the American FDA and oppose classifying gene-modded animals as drugs. Help if you can!"
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