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Magnet Injection
That would be one big ass needle. Incision is the way to go as far as magnets go.
Bigger than the needle for an rfid injection? Thanks
Many threads exist about this. Read read read! :D
Why not scalpel and stitches?
@Cassox is probably the closest in Tehachapi - if you're down for the drive there. I'm in Sacramento and he's who does my body hax.
EDIT - Forgot to mention, I'm already planning on heading that way after the holidays if you want to carpool down there.
@mmuyskens An injector CAN do the entire procedure faster, with less pain, less tissue damage, a smaller entry wound, faster recovery, simplicity of procedure, reduced chance of infection or debris, no anesthetic... :OThere are many reasons to use Injectors over scalpels. The main reason they seem to not be a common method is lack of knowledge. x_xOne of my agenda thingies is to get the Injection method alive as a "main" method of magnet implanting. ^^
Less pain is subjective - Neither hurt if you use Lido :)
Smaller entry wound? maybe, but minimal difference.
All of those variables are variables. >3<In the unskilled hands of a newbie, the entry point is much more controlled, than say, free-handed with a scalpel might be. That's why there's a "CAN" there. :3It does make the process a little less free-handed, per se. A tool that can inject a magnet is less invasive than say, cutting a path to place it. But variables, yes.
Ah yea - I can agree there. Injection would be more do-it-yourself-ish.
I had an easier time no lido with an xacto knife for my magnet Whereas my large needle implants are all in but not exactly where I want them nowadays from migrating and experience I suppose I would definitely try a mag in a needle for an edge of a hand though
Update! Using instructions from here and here, I inserted a magnet into my left ring finger this morning. So far the pain is not bad, and the bleeding has gone down significantly. Very excited to start sensing things with it, but in the meantime I thought I would type up my process.
- Using the diagram of the hand from here, I marked where I wanted the magnet to end up
- Soaked my tools and magnet in isopropyl alcohol for an hour. In the meantime scrubbed down my workplace with isopropyl alcohol.
- Applied a tourniquet using a hair band, then massaged the blood out of my finger as recommended in the first link.
- Washed my hands in isopropyl alcohol, then in saline
- Froze my finger using the isopropyl method from the second link. This worked amazingly. I didn't feel any pain at all during the procedure.
- Inserted an 8 gauge piercing needle about 5mm below where I wanted the magnet to end up. Once the needle reached the desired depth at the location I wanted, I removed it.
- Pushed the magnet in initially with my thumb, then pushed it to the end of the tunnel with the sterilized tine of a plastic fork as described in the first link.
- Rinsed the insertion site with saline
- While I applied pressure on the insertion site with gauze, my lovely assistant helped remove the tourniquet.
- Bleeding was minimal, so I was able to apply a bandage after only a few minutes.
- Took an ibueprofin and sat down to watch a movie.
I’ll update again soon with healing progress.
What type of magnet did you go with?
@mmuyskens it's a 3mm neodymium disc coated in parylene c.Day 2 is over and it hasn't hurt all day. I certainly overestimated how painful it was going to be during the healing process. The worst part is getting a band aid to stick to my finger- lol. Do we have a thread on that?
Not sure, I always do minimal with aftercare. Implants requiring needle - hold it till it stops bleeding and then balls to the wall let it do it's own thing. Scalpel and stitches - sterile strips for like 24 hours, stitches till they fall out (usually a day or two later, I'm too hard on my hands)
Is there any update on how well this injection method worked? Was fixing to do my own magnet implant and didn't like the idea of a scalpel.
This is pretty much the same method I used for all three of mine (I used a 10g needle) and it works really well. I'd estimate mine were completely healed in under two weeks, with minimal scarring, and I've had them in for nine months at this point without any issues. It's not really injection though, you use a needle to make a pocket and then push the magnet in with a piece of nonmagnetic material. This lets you use a smaller needle, since the magnet doesn't have to fit inside, and gets around the issue of it sticking to the metal.
I have done both, the injection way sucks for m31 size magnets because it sticks to the needle and the taper is so long on the needle that it tends to poke all the way threw to the other side of the finger, and it sucks to have a needle go from one side all the way to the other like a finger kabob. Use a #15 blade and you'll be fine, it's easier to feel how deep you are, and easier to move around