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I have lately been thinking on a very cool subject; precognition. No, not with psychic powers or anything. My theory is that with proper meditation and skills, a person could reliably predict the future based on available data. This would involve a process of visualization, combined with meditation, thus allowing a person to visualize how they could affect the future. Do you guys have any thoughts on this?


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  1. I would start with the odd experiments that basicly show pics really fast and measure the response time. 
    Afaik, it has been claimed that the responses were faster than thought possible, and precognition has been theorized and afaik heavily disputed...

    Meditation(and prayers, oddly) also has been shown to change the brainpatterns and areas of activation.. So i'd attach more than few sensors to be able to tell if something was working and be able to target the right processes.

    Sounds amusing tho... I'd attach some kinda small stimuli to help guide the meditation too, but thats me.
  2. how people can affect the future ? or forecast the future ? these are 2 very different things.

    you seem to imply that we can affect the future. In which sense do you mean ? can you be more precise ?
  3. >not psychic powers

    >seeing the future

  4. I'm a little confuse about this as well... you say not psychic but describe psychic. I heard tripping balls on shrooms can help. I suppose affecting and predicting aren't so different depending on your view of destiny and predetermined events but hey let's go doctor strange on this shit! Accessing alternate plains through mediation and drugs to possibly effect and visualize what might be from what actions you take.
  5. I get the impresson that what Finn333 is talking about is, essentially, being really good at paying attention. If you're aware of what's going on around you, you can predict the future. Most people have probably done this already: you watch your cat eyeballing a picture frame that's on the counter with him and say "Don't you even think about it!" before he paws it off, rather than just being astounded when he does it.

    Of course, most of us can't make predictions more than a few minutes out, aside from what we tend to call "decisions" rather than predictions (e.g. "I'll wake up at 7:30 local time tomorrow"). With more and better information, we could make more and better predictions. By practicing, perhaps we can get better at acquiring that information.

    This sounds like an interesting avenue of experimentation. Look into Buddhist monks' meditation practices, Systems Theory, and, like Meanderpaul said, shrooms. Psilocybin can give you the very interesting experience of seeing weird and interesting shit out of the corner of your eye, which, when you turn to look at it, is actually there. Protip: do it somewhere where there's weird interesting shit to look at.
  6. I would exactly call that predicting the future @ringdown. That's more like an educated guess that still can be wrong and most likely is. Your taking in all kinds of variables and using what you've learned in the past to guess what might happen. That's not predicting the future. That's like saying all chess players are predicting the future. The best way I can compare it would be the show psych.
  7. Im kinda intrigued by this.. 
    Remember to document this, and if possible do share. 
    Especially if you use some kind of scanner to detect brain patterns.
  8. Pychohistory is what you are looking for. It's an interesting idea, but I think that like @ringdown said, you really have to know a lot of the variables before you can predict anything, and even then you would only be able to predict very general trends.

    As a sidenote, the Foundation series by Asimov is a wonderful Sci-fi series about this idea, but with spaceships and planetary politics.
  9. What interests me is that this is discussed in public. Even forecasting the future would be quite impossible when a single point of distortion exists. What you may want to do, I guess, is discovering points of distortion instead. If you are a learner by "source code" (someone who learns by only seeing a few vague descriptions explaining a phenomena, then already being able to reproduce it internally as a low-level process) this is quite easy. One only has to explain the missing information, the rest follows when willing to implement. For learners by conditioning, this is nearly impossible (even if you are quite intelligent), but maybe there exist techniques (such as specific meditation exercises).
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