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Just implanted my first magnet
I will try to upload that video to YouTube, but it'll take hours and I keep screwing up the upload. If I do, I just ask that you guys not put the video anywhere because it's kind of embarrassing
Thanks @Ightden. Little bit of a blank... Got to this late and forgot it wasn't just done. >3< A book can be a hundred years old and still be new the first time someone reads it.
- Have mercy, I know I sound funny, I was nervous and in pain. Barely conscious at a few points. And today was day 4, still no sign of infection or rejection and I can sense the microwave.
You should really avoid trying to get sensation from it for at least a month to avoid rejection. I know it's tough to not play with it in the meantime though.
Wow that was just as insane as I thought it was from the mental picture. I gotta give it to you, your a tough bastard. That's was even a scalpel either. Was it a new exacto blade or just a reused one cause if it was used and slightly dull..I mean damn bro. Definitely take it easy on playing with it and such let that thing heal fully. The cards are already stacked against you. I REALLY want this to not reject as a testament to the body not being as vulnerable as people think.
oh geez, that was a heck of a wild video :O
I agree on trying to avoid the sensory feedback for a bit longer as it continues to heal further. Though, it's pretty fun to find the surprise clouds of 'fuzzyness' where they weren't just days ago :)
And sorry for being particularly salty. It was meaner than I intended, my bad. It sounds like you're on the way to healing up, so yeah, keep that close eye on it and here's hoping the thing stays put
I dont know what normal sensation is like, I can only sense the microwave from one position and in a range of around 3 inches. I'm a bit worried I didn't implant it in a great spot for sensation.
No that's about right. At least I think it is? Every microwave I've felt around typically has one primary area that put out a lot stronger field than the rest. Once it heals up a little more, the nerves around the site should hopefully regrow. Once that happens, you'll be able to pick up on weaker fields as well, and from further away. If it keeps vibrating while you're healing however, that'll probably stunt nerve regrowth and in the end it won't be as sensitive as it could have been.
I gotta say your also being a great sport in taking the lashings from member kudos to you to that too.
Thanks lol, I try.worked very physically today, busted it like four times and now it's turned black and blue. Hopefully it doesn't reject, I can't help that I work with heavy stuff all day.
@Chase561, I work a very physically demanding job as well and my magnet has been beaten up pretty bad too, I've bruised it a few times. I would recommend getting some gauze and wrapping it with a bandage around your finger tip. It's a little bulky but it gives you some additional protection and peace of mind.
- Finger update
Invalid imgur link.
Fixed, it was a mobile link
How's it look? And do you know which direction you pocketed in that picture?I'm sorely tempted to write a guide on how to do implants using only low-tech, around the house equipment "safely". Maybe even make a video on how to do it. I have the sneaking suspicion that it would be used far more than it ought to. Which scares me.What kind of water were you dipping your finger to chill it? And how'd you make that ice? Normally, I'd avoid doing that, just because contamination issues, but honestly, I doubt it was any more dangerous than using peroxide cut with rum to sterilize.
@TheGreyKnight PLEASE do write that guide. If someone is going to do it "wrong", they should at least do it in the best way possible without a bunch of special tools.
I saw the Lepht anonym videos before I found this forum and that's probably where the Sugru and hot melt glue ideas came from as well as the vodka idea. Those are interesting videos though so they shouldn't be removed. They shouldn't be used as a DIY guide though.
The ice water was something I was wondering about. Especially when it became bloody. A recent post mentioned soaking a gloved finger in ice water iced isopropyl alcohol to numb. I know rubbing alcohol isn't a perfect sterilizing agent but I would have (right or wrong) wiped the finger off with the rubbing alcohol (cheaper, more available, and probably better than rum or vodka) before the cutting began.
I don't think the video of this implant mentioned anything about cleaning the work space and other "tricks" like closing any windows or doors an hour or so before the operation to give dust a chance to settle to the floor and making sure there isn't a fan, air conditioner, or forced air heater moving the dust around.
I'm hoping this implant heals up and stays good. I'm no expert but the last picture looks real good to me. The body is pretty good at healing itself. Hopefully it isn't working at figuring a way to get this foreign object out of its new home right now. The gauze idea sounds like a good one to give a little more cushion to the fresh implant. Even a little pad of paper towel held on with duct tape or electrical tape has worked for me to avoid ripping open a wound before when a band aid wasn't available.
On the contrary, now that I have a brief skim of the video, it doesn't look as brutal you make it. Though you seem to be psyching yourself out a bit. I take what I said back: this is nowhere near as uncontrolled as I thought.I didn't realize that you've taken rests in between when it became too overbearing. That's good. Also, I'm not really sure if you've actually touched bone, judging from the angle and the depth of the knife that I can see (though it's not really clear). Also, the would looks real good in the picture. Which is a plus.
One month update I win mwahaaahahahahaahahahahahaha The wound is completely sealed. Magnet is slightly too close to the surface but I can live with that. It isn't close enough to burst through and it is not painful to touch and is sensitive enough to be useful. I've used it a lot for holding small screws while repairing phones and stuff like that. Over the month that it was healing, I never left it alone for a second. I slammed it in a door, reopened it, lifted concrete with that hand, rubbed it, held paperclips with it, I really did not let it rest for a single moment. The body is more resilient than many of the people on this forum give it credit for and it healed against what many would consider to be terrible odds. Overall I am very satisfied with my implant and would do it again in a heartbeat :3
Grats on a clean heal and overcoming the odds :) Good to hear the nerves were still able to regrow enough to provide field feedback.
I wouldn't quite call one month a celebratory mark....
@Chase561 Has your sensitivity improved much?
Sensitivity is minimal, but I don't have a personal benchmark to compare it to. I have to get extremely close to sense anything and I can't sense chargers and other things people say they can sense
I just randomly came back around this forum. My magnet is actually still in my finger after all this time and watching my implant video made me cringe. I know a lot better now than I did then haha
The magnet still feels comfortable and sensitive to fields
@Chase561 how is the sencing strength compared to the last update.
So I was was watching the video and I think that I noticed something strange. Did you use a tourniquet or not? From what I know, a tourniquet would help to reduce bleeding and would also partially numb the finger prior to the first incision.
those pics you posted look like its healing up very well do you have any advice for after care i plan on implanting soon and could use the tip
ok. wow. I think this is an all time best! Please ask for help next time. Chlorhexadine is available at walmart!!! I really hope you don't lose the finger!
@cassox can we make a horror gallery. this seems fitting! -
Horror gallery and what went wrong should be useful for scaring people into not doing stupid shit.
I really don't watch vids anymore unless specifically asked. The human body is amazingly resilient. People can do everything wrong and still heal up fine. Alternatively, some people make a tiny misstep and pay for it. The thing is.. as long as you're working on yourself it's really your choice. Im admittedly less cautious working on myself. But.. we're talking about magnets. There are things in the works for which fuck ups won't be as forgiven. And when you're working on someone else, you owe it to them to know what you're doing.
Basically, a blow torch and hydrogen peroxide are the initial image. I don't need to watch anything here.