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The Big Hack (part 1: coating)


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  1. Nearly a year since the last comment, testing of the coating is starting in a few weeks so I thought it appropriate to update the status, procedures, and general info about this project.

    Currently, the plan is to coat 5mm5mm.25mm plexiglass(or some other material) in a gel comprised of collagen and chitosan, that has certain additives to help cellular adhesion suspended in the gel. Next, the whole thing is dipped in a dilute sodium silicate solution. Finally, they are implanted in the mice and watched over the course of two-three weeks to see how it heals and how well each adhered to their respective mouse.

    That's the very general state of things currently I'll answer all the questions I can if anyone is willing to test it(mice are good but humans are better) msg me.

  2. I wish you well on your project, but I have to opt out of this one just to much risk.

  3. Ey that's fine, but hopefully, by December all those risks will have been mitigated via the trials

  4. I still don't understand how your managing those risks, I will be following this thread.

  5. WIll post more later but on the mice the coating worked

  6. I find this experiment fascinating I do have a question however and it pertains to the heat absorption to the coating. How ell do you think your coating will be able to absorb the heat generated by the electrical devices that may be implanted? If not how do you plan if at all to tackle said issue?

  7. @Dungeon_Mstr Heat absorption is an ongoing issue that me and my associates are always looking for and testing new ways to mitigate and deal with, although depending on the design of the final implant it might not even be a huge problem.

    In other news the full write up should be done by next Friday with pictures

  8. @Zwytechhacker Fantastic looking forward to it.

  9. Friday came and went sorry I know it's almost a month late but there was life stuff going on

    Synthetic ECM scaffolds were synthesized, out of materials specifically found in the ECM of skin. These scaffold were then impregnated sodium silicate, and the crosslinked with genipin. After which they were implanted, into mice and the strength at which they adhered to the body was evaluated. The scaffolds had different concentrations of hydroxyapatite, the ones with the lowest concentrations of hydroxyapatite performed around the same level as those with the highest concentrations of hydroxyapatite. The scaffolds with middle concentrations of hydroxyapatite performed the best. This is probably because the lower concentration were too far away from actual ECMs, and the highest concentrations of hydroxyapatite cause the body to start braking the layer down compromising the whole scaffold.

    General Procedures
    1). Prepare 10 ml of collagen solution by dissolving 1gm of collagen in 10 ml of either water or 10% acetic acid
    2) Prepare 10 ml of chitosan solution by dissolving 1 gm of chitosan in 10% acetic acid
    *this can take awhile so while this is dissolving do steps 3, and 4
    3). Prepare a genipin solution by dissolving 5mg of genipin in 50 ml of concentrated ethanol
    4). Prepare Sodium Silicate(SS) solution by dissolving 1 ml of concentrated SS and mixing it into 10 ml of water
    5). Combine collagen and chitosan solutions, add in additives
    *It can take awhile for all of these to be thoroughly suspended and mixed vortex if needed
    6).Separate synthetic ECM solution into 4 equal amounts
    7). To the first don’t add any HA, to the second add .33 gm of HA, to the third add .66 gm of HA, to the last add 1 gm of HA.
    8). Separate the mice into groups of three
    9) . Dip coat the discs in their respective solution, wait for them to dry
    10). Set dry disc in SS solution for 15 minutes then wait for them to dry repeat steps 9 and 10 four times
    11). Crosslink and set in 10% genipin solution.{4}
    12). Remove skin equivalent to the size of the plexiglass discs and implant the discs.
    13). After two weeks measure each discs adhesion by finding how much force it requires to lift the skin(via the implant) 1cm.

    It worked great 10/12 implants worked and the ones that did work haven't shown any negative signs and it's been over a month now.

    1 week after implantation:

    3 weeks post op:

    So yeah the procedure went great

  10. Neat! What are your next steps?

  11. @bsl5 I work with @Zwytechhacker and we are using this coating at grindfest.

  12. This sounds like a big project. I'm very interested in this

  13. It's top secret lol.

  14. Eyy it wasn't always and if everything goes well it won't b for much longer

  15. I don't understand what I'm seeing. The hair grew over it? The implant got covered?

  16. @Cassox no that hair is from around the implant if you look closely there are dark circles where the implant is that's because there is no hair there

  17. Gotcha. It healed up very nicely. I'm impressed.

  18. Any recent updates so far? I am looking on modifying a small computer for implantation and have been looking for a suitable bio-safe material to coat it in to avoid rejection.

  19. Do you have any work done on the electronic side of things? I'm interested in the components you imagine using.

  20. Currently I have been looking into raspberry pi specifically their zero series for a suitable component. Besides that I have been doing some research on rechargeable batteries and heat management. All useless if I cannot find a coating or medium to set it in. All in all a slow process.

  21. Sorry was directing the question to @Zwytechhacker but interesting to hear what others are using too. What functions do you want to use the computer for @Dungeon_Mstr ?

    One of the best ways to manage heat is to not create it. Pi is nice for its processing power but there is a lot of overhead that leads to extra head and power consumption.

    If you want a computer in your body then guess you have to deal with it and make as many modifications as possible to cope, but if you just want to run sensors, take/send readings then a microcontroller could be better than a microprocessor.

  22. Thanks man for the advice so sorry I misread your post.

  23. Why are so few people excited about this?
    This seems like a massive step forward in coatings, and towards trans-dermal implants.

  24. @tbaleann early on when I posted this there was a fair amount of flak and controversy

  25. @Zwytechhacker Yeah it is a real shame. I would like to get better images of your subjects as the fur is in the way. Has the coating chips been enveloped and is know under the skin, or is it on the same layer like painting on the wall or has skin grown into the synthetic ECM? Also what do you mean by "11). Crosslink and set in 10% genipin solution.{4}"?

  26. I don’t have the mice anymore last I saw them the plexiglass was visible if you moved the fur sorta like a window into the mouse.
    Crosslinking is when a all the separate polymer chains bond to each other an become one giant polymer genipin is a non toxic crosslinker the can bind collagen and chitosan

  27. Hey just a quick update I'm up at point dume working with @Cassox on the coating we've found a few other polymers that we are going to try adding to the recipe we'll have a full write up on in soon.

  28. @zwytechhacker You end up getting anywhere with this?

  29. Yeah I'm probably gonna do a whole new thread on everything that's new and has changed

  30. It probably won't come out till after grindfest though

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