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Presentation on Biohacking
First time poster, reasonable time lurker, who has just had his xNT delivered.
Basically I am due to give some talks on various IT topics for fun, to develop interest in the staff and some for upskilling in my work and I would like to have one on biohacking. Anyone have any suggestions on topics? I have already decided to talk about NFC, RFID's and possibly the UKI, with business applications for all of them. I'm also going to have a few pictures of my implant procedure. The talk is timetabled to be about 30 minutes in length.
I was going to try and avoid nootropics because while they can be perfectly legal some of the older crowd might be abit "off" on the idea, especially as I'm in an area that's already likely say I've "the mark of the beast". Although I know a number of staff will be very interested in Biohacking in general.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
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I dont have any suggestions, but be really careful: a lot of people don't like biohacking. I've gotten a fair share of bad comments just because of my RFID.
I am in the same boat people make up there minds and that's it. If you're trying to introduce them to new technology this is not the place to start.... Or end for that matter....
While there are talks on for upskilling people who need the help I don't want the more tech savvy to be left out, so I thought this is an interesting application of technology they might like. All talks are voluntary so there mightn't be anyone even interested.Don't get me wrong its a very small minority of an older religious generation that will make negative comments, the majority of staff where I work will be "oh right cool" then carry on their day to day jobs, The standard of IT ranges from people who can't save a document with the save button (I kid you not) to people using TOR's and Linux builds on a USB stick.
Where are you located? Region has a lot to do with acceptance. I'm in Seattle, and there's not a single person I've ever talked with or two that thinks an rfid is the mark of the beast. It's a liberal and tech heavy town, so people usually get pretty excited.
Northern Ireland, so yea...not the most technologically savvy and accepting place in the world but not the worst. I put my chip in on Thursday and had some pretty cool responses on Friday from people involved with the other presentations. Just hope the chip doesn't reject! So far so good though.
So my chip has been in a few weeks and going well. My presentations have been all week and very well received, the chip has made a positive stir in work and I've gotten word my names being mentioned for some projects involving it so all in all quite happy. I just hope something come from it. The big talk is tomorrow so we shall see what happens!
I sort of feel like the magnets are a safe place to start. I am pretty new to the community, but hearing about the magnets is what got me really interested. There is something very exciting about experiencing a new sense and a hidden world.I'd heard about the RFID tags previously, but not about the community as a whole. Originally my thought on them was that they were sort of stupid, and it also evoked some sort of Orwellian, and I apologize from the comparison, Jewish serializing images.Learning more about the community after being introduced by the magnets, the RFID tags are starting to sound a lot cooler, and I better understand where the idea is coming from.I think a lot of people have that natural fear of technology, and the fear of losing what makes them human. I've been very interested in science my whole life, but for me the magnets resonate on a different level. Having a new sense is in some ways becoming more human, more spiritual, and its a more ethereal idea.Yea, I'd avoid nootropics though. Good call. Its too easy for people to see nootropics as drugs, and DRUGS ARE BAD KIDS.But hey, it sounds like people are interested in the RFID, and it is a tech crowd, so go for it!Whats UKI? Google just gives me stuff about dog competitions.
Uki is a new chip being developed by amal from It's going to be capable of mobile payments along with other things. Also when I say chip I'm not talking the current rfid size. It's supposed to be larger and possibly need a scalpel to install. Although I don't have all the info. Search it in the search bar there is a thread or two about it.
It's maybe a little late to add something, but (in my experience) reactions range from "I don't want the government tagging and tracking people" to most of you guys here. The former, of course, is somewhat of a... uneducated... point of view. I try to... educate... some people. Pointing out that the government could much more easily track you from your phone than an implant with a 6 inch reading distance. However I do understand people's general objections. Things are slow and scary. Anyone remember when the first cars came out? (If you do, that's... uh... just let me know...) Change is generally slow, between public opinion, government regulation, and developing technologies. Personally, I like the idea. Sort of view the human body as a sort of "adaptable clean slate" the basics, open to adding things in implant or genetic modification or anything else you can think of. That said, it's good to hear when people tell other people about things, helps lessen the "new-tech-aphobia".
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