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Are these guys legit? Looking at their list there's quite a few modafinil-like substances so it seems legit, but anyone can write up a list of nootropics. So anyone here had any dealings with these people?


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  1. i havent. ill try it out. this week before i move. (ill try to, might hav to wait a week tho) i get weird feeling from their site though. it feels like a facade thats a front for a fake company or something. lol idk ill try though, and see what i get
  2. Sceptical but curious. 
    It its reasonably well/consistently made im gonna order...

    So.. Updates are requested! O_O
  3. I would say try it then if it works somewhat well mix your own to a dosage more suited to your size, I question the effectiveness of anything that would come pre packaged like that....
  4. I ordered some, will tell what i think (pun intended) on them.
  5. Take the site with a grain of salt. Almost every site made in the last year has that look. That's a design problem, not a legitimacy problem.
  6. design prob or a legitimacy prob hmm, i guess we wont know unless someone orders mate. also they should hit up for much needed design tips....bc.....well bc no bueno
  7. im moving so ill prob wait to order right after i get settled in in a cpl weeks.
  8. Tried it yesterday, not even close to impressed.
    No effects besides higher blood pressure and very slight headache. 
    That, and the painful experience of swallowing those HUGE pills.
  9. Retried, definitively not impressed. 
    No decent effect noticeable.

    Hour 1: Facking hell those pills are HUGE! :( Throat hurts..
    Hour 2:first hours, no real change apart from elevated blood pressure.
    Hour 3: Slight headache. possible swelling in the mouth. A bit more tired..
    Hour 5: Maaaaaybe a slight increase in energy? Tested memory, processing speed and alertness.. No change.
    Hour 9+: A likely slight boost to feeling awake (cant find an english word) -But not anything else positive. (just couldnt sleep as i usually do, just felt mentally/physically tired but not sleepy.

    I dont recommend these. Not at that price, and not at that crappy effect.
  10. Balls. That really sucks. Thanks for the effort (and money!). Looks like I'll wait for a bit then...
  11. Hrm... Pardon the thread necromancy. 
    I retried the ones left, after alot ALOT of sleep (very unusual for me) and they actually seemed to have a good effect.. A +10% bonus to feeling more awake and concentration, i'd guess.

    I might have been wrong about this one.
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