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Coating my own magnet

Hello People


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  1. Wait for the finished testing.
  2. Just wait till they get Back in stock, they May be 50$ but thats because they are almost or even 100% Safe and tested. Don't try to get it cheaper and risk metalpoisoning ;). Safety First!
  3. Please read all the things. ^^
  4. Gold and silver are not bonded well to the magnets....
  5. post back pics when it rejects and your finger gets fucked up
  6. I'm guessing the pre-coated magnets are getting pretty close to shipping.  Should know more tomorrow but I'd suggest getting on the waiting list if you haven't already.

    $50 is a lot of money for something so tiny but I'd rather have something with a better chance of being safe than attempting to coat one myself and then possibly needing to remove it.  I did buy some of the same size magnets you got although I only got 10 magnets for about the same money.  I have GLUED one onto my finger numerous time to see what it feels like but I have no intention of implanting one of them.

    Look up Cody'sLab on Youtube to see him do what you are thinking about.  It looks like his only lasted a month before it had to be removed probably due to breaking the magnet.  It turned out that he missed removing a tiny piece of that broken magnet so, two years later, he can still feel magnetic fields.

    In my own NON-IMPLANTED testing, I did notice that a very tiny piece of a broken magnet still gave me the ability to sense strong magnets.  Not as good as the stronger one but it still worked.  Makes me wonder if a magnet more like a splinter sized would be much less painful and faster healing than the normally implanted sized ones.  That is, assuming it could be coated with something biocompatible.

    Please do keep us informed if you do attempt this though.  Good or bad.

  7. Strange. I wonder why people are so against a diy approach suddenly. I'm trialing a shit load of coating that can be done diy. Im coating them today. I haven't had a chance to try electro plating although rhodium and platinum has caught my eye. Shit, my first mag was coated in dental resin. It worked fine for me although when I tried selling then some people reported issues. Also I know Ben Beezy has had a bunch coated in atomic adhesives resin without any issues.
  8. I'm not well versed on electroplating. Ask the guys doing it if the can run the units for longer than is generally performed for a thicker coating. To be honest, I'm not sure if there is some weird electronegativety problem that results in it not working this way. Place I've ordered gold plated magnets from had inadequate coatings but I think this is because they didn't really intend them for implant. The most likely just coated until they look good.
  9. I think , i can't spreak for anyone else, that everyone here is against diy coating to keep "us / biohackers/ biohacking" from getting a bad name when a diy coating has gone bad. Atleast thats my opinion. Better Let the People who know what they are doing and Have the Stuff knowledge to check the magnets , to make sure they are Safe then telling people that a diy coating is possible and start an epidemic of rejecting magnets and fucked up bodyparts with us to blame. I think that we / the mindset of biohacking is that everyone who is open for it to do it. But within Safe bounds and not to just Let People Have a risk of poisioning themselfs with metal. In my opinion the mindset is willing to set New boundaries and a better "homo sapiens" but safety First. You should know howmany failed with New ideas / biohacks and Have fucked up their Body. New implants are cool and wanted but safety should come First it gets in the news and Burns down the "weird" imago biohacking already has. People arent Ready for changes, even less for their Body so before something spreads it needs to be Safe to keep the mindset of people as open as possible. Or else biohacking will become a taboo and it night slowly die as everyone will know the wrong ( rejecting/ ruiming your Body) side of it. Thats why i think that the Community here is mostly against diy coating and not properly testing everything. Especially with magnetcoatings as it reacher far further than a bioglass tube with is mostly used in the chipimplants and we now know that they are great and work Fine, thanks to those who have intensively tested them. I don't Mean to offend anyone who doesnt agree with me, its just how i think People here think and why it goes how it goes :)
  10. I was under the impression that many (if not most) of the DIY methods didn't work.  It would be great to learn otherwise though especially with the Atom Adhesives stuff.  That would make the cost almost not an issue.

    I know that Youtube has a lot of suspect information like Sugru and hot melt glue being used.  I did see Ben's video but didn't know if it actually worked long term.

    The video I mentioned above of Cody'sLab sounded like it might have worked if it hadn't been broken but I would rather pay for one already coated and tested.

    An actual DIY method would be great.  I'm not sure I really want to cut myself open and shove stuff inside but, if/when I do, I'd prefer not to have to do it again just to remove something that didn't work.  Fortunately, some people here seem to be OK with putting the magnets in their body and then taking them back out as a test to make sure it actually worked.

    @Cassox  Let us know how your trials go.  I'd also like to know what a good test would be for the coatings.  Would a long salt water soak be enough to give an indication if the coating is actually covering all parts of the magnet?  I know that bleach with the addition of an acid will dissolve even gold so it wouldn't work to test gold plated ones but might be a good and fast test of an epoxy or silicon coating. The Wiki doesn't have anything about the actual testing.
  11. I would say there is risk in the thinking, "let those who know what they're doing do it. " I've met people who claimed to be in the know but were full of shit. While not everyone needs to master every specialty.. if you're interested then learn it. I do know how many people have fucked up their body biohacking... other than a few outliers I know damn near everyone thats doing anything worthwhile in grinding personally.. at least with in this community. The thing is. . Amal does a lot of cool stuff. I'm pretty sure when I first met him he didn't know anything about coatings. At defcon I heard him correct a physician and sound like a badass doing it. Also, fuck image. Grinders? We' have the same name as a gay hook up site. Grinding isnt a club.. it isn't a identity. Its a process or an aspiration. If you're willing to sit and wait for some guy that's got some special badge to tell you what's OK. . Then you might as well wait for the fda. Im not offended. Don't misunderstand me. I'm concerned. I'm concerned about the dangers of groupthink and this community becoming nothing more than a clique. Guess what.. I'm the guy with that special badge. Ive done more testing of coatings than anyone here that I know of at this point. And. .I can be wrong. You should review my work critically. You should suggest alternatives and feel free to share ideas even if theres risk of sounding stupid. We are a very critical conglomeration of people. . This is good but we need to balance this with suspension of disbelief and open mindedness. When someone talks about chakras or mushroom computers.. by all means.. be critical and show them where they are wrong. . But also be willing to listen. The most respected amongst us can be wrong and blind faith is easily as deadly as ignorance.
  12. If you're interested in some testing methods, I have some on my blog at
  13. @Cassox , i can fully understand your point, All i wanted to share was my idea of this site and the grinders, as how i see it. Not saying you arent good at testing anything. i totally believe that you know what you are doing, but i wanted to share my story and vision. My look on things that are going on. And my opinion about openly sharing how to coat wouldnt be bad, but it should totally say that if people are up for coating their own magnets or whatever, they should dubble triple check everything before even preppinh to implant it. While around me no one ever heared about the ideas or even inserting something inside their Body. As far as i can see, people are narrowminded here and if there is any story on the news on how someone got Hurt by an implant of biohacking. Their Minds close forever about the ideas. That whats worrying me, if you Look around the world People are too brainwashed by the media. Thats why i said that we should be careful about what we say do and share so that only positive things are being shared and the community will grow which will only benefit us as far as ideas opinions and ofcourse knowledge. I just believe that People that Have less knowledge or equipement to like magnets and coating to just stick with People that are selling "Safe" magnets in stead of fucking their own Body up. Thats all. Not trying to point them to anyone in particular but just Let those who have the equipement and knowledge help others? If i could i would say Yes to diy coating but i can't fully check if it would be Safe enough and i don't want to risk it, so i'll just buy one from someone who knows that it should be Safe. Or atleast safer than my own diy coated magnet. I don't really care about the imago but Im sure some do around here so it is not my Cup of tea to say much about it, All i know from studies is that People blindly follow what cooperate media tells them. So @Cassox , i really didnt want to attack you, i just want the forum etc not to be put in a bad spot.
  14. @Cassox  Thanks for directing me to your blog.  That was the kind of information I was looking for.

    On my former post, I should have mentioned that mixing bleach (A.K.A. Sodium Hypochlorite) and any kind of acid (including vinegar) WILL produce dangerous chlorine gas.  Try it at your own risk.  I still think it would work as a test but it would be a dangerous test and likely produces a toxic solution (assuming it contacts the nickel) to dispose of.

    I have no idea what it would do to a TiN coating but it will dissolve gold.
  15. Oh totally understand.. and that long ass post wasn't directed at you really. It's just something I'm concerned about. It's like a few years ago people would say hey! Let's coat a AAA Battery in bathroom silicone and stick it under the skin. People would look into it and conclude that no it's not a good idea. Now though I see more and more people with pat responses, like "have fun when your penis falls off." This mentality is what I'm talking about. Someone asked in a post who the "forefathers" of the grinding movement are. Yeah sure, there are people who've been here a long time, but there is NO HIERARCHY. No one is beyond question. And questioning is where half of the projects I've been involved in come from. I've sat down and argued with people like Rich and Proteus, Cyberlass and Tim.. tons of people. I have some really extensive experience in biology and yet people tell me shit all the time. I could list out embarrassing errors and mistakes I've made. I was trying to write up a class on cell biology and called abiogenesis "angiogenesis" for like 3 weeks until CL was like.. what the hell are you talking about? My bad. But it doesn't mean I'm stupid. Biohacking/Grinding from my experience was founded and is being pushed forward by people who don't know shit about shit, but are willing to learn. This is good. We need to keep a beginners mind.
  16. My initial response wasn't meant to discourage anything diy at all. I'm in the same mindset as nlmax where if this person just grabs a magnet from homedepot and slaps some half assed coating and calls it good we suddenly end up with a bad outcome and it gets bad media. There is a need for keeping it friendly in the public (or near public) eye while keeping true to the originality of diy. You can't just say fuck the public main stream media because you disagree with it. in the end they will make or break this entire thing. The post didn't exactly sing to me on the I know what I'm doing stand point but more on the I'm cheap and don't want to spend the money. That's not a good angle it's how mistakes happen. You rush a magnet coating and don't do your due diligence in checking it simply because you want the implant NOW. If they laid out a plan that's a whole different story. There's loads of coating threads that can be necro'd if need be just to explain process and everything. I'm one of the last people who shoot down a new post just because. I have loads of diy projects that I'll probably never get to see finish and some that will. I do agree though @cassox that the whole let us know when X falls off and post a pic does need to end. It's simply rude expesically to a newcomer. Most of us can take it but a new person maybe not.
  17. This one has planned on working on the Wiki some more... 

    Can we PLEASE keep feeding the wiki and grow it bigger? :D

  18. @Zerbula

    It looks like anyone is able to edit the Wiki.  I found what I believe to be a mistake in one of the pages.

    On that page under the sterilization section, it says:

    Both hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydrochloride will destroy the TiN coating, and should be avoided for sterilization.

    Not a big mistake but might be confusing.  I feel it should be sodium hypochlorite (Bleach) but I'm a bit hesitant to change it myself in case I am wrong.

    Looks like my previous thoughts on a testing method would NOT work with the TiN coated magnets.  I'm very glad I noticed that information in the Wiki.  Those were two chemicals I might have used to try to sterilize the magnets since I have successfully used both of them for sterilizing other stuff although never for something to be implanted.

    EDIT:  I notice it takes a username and a password to actually make changes (or maybe it is just to suggest changes).  I didn't try it.  Would this be our username and password from this forum or is the Wiki separate?
  19. @Birdhandz

    Jak wrote the 'information on magnets' section, about Au magnet coatings, and a few other things here and there. <3

    You have full ability to play with the Wiki, but just PLEASE, if you are not completely certain, don't edit it, or possibly either do the research or leave the parts you aren't 100% sure of out. At least note it if it's not right. SOMETHING That says it's not complete. D:>

  20. @Zerbula

    Thanks.  I just made the correction to the sterilization section of the Wiki.  I will be careful if I edit or add any more information but I am certain that one was just a simple error that might have caused some confusion.
  21. Always appreciated. Back on track... :o No no no no. Please don't coat your magnet in Ag or Au. Silver is NOT bio safe, gold is fragile and very easy to damage or compromise. I won't guarantee it will fail, but Au has a high failure rate compared to other coatings. >~<
  22. On top of what zerbula says it does but most is due to the implants coating getting compromised from the procedure. ;)
  23. Yes yes, exactly. I should have made that part more clear... X_X 

    My bad, thanks @Meanderpaul. ^^
  24. Any thing to help!
  25. I don't know that I've heard that many stories of gold rejecting. Info? I mean there are pace makers coated in gold. ..
  26. I seem to have heard a good amount I just can't place where....perhaps the list can shed light?
  27. Zerbula how dangerous is the silver

  28. @ Comet_Blastr

    I don't think the problem is that the silver is actually dangerous.  The problem is it releases silver ions which are antimicrobial.  While this is a good thing, the silver coating will be eaten away as the ions are released and then the original magnet coating will be exposed.

    That being said, I now wonder if a silver coating over the gold coating might help prevent infection while the implant heals and possibly help protect the gold coating from damage.

    By the way, here's where I found the info on silver.

  29. @cassox Not so much a huge amount of failures being heard of, but a lot of failures from Au magnets usually seem to stem from the Au being damaged, and potentially being the compromise in itself, in the experience that I have seen. No specific examples come to mind, pardon if this seems discreditable... There are some, though. Just my understanding from all the digging I have ever done and the result I personally came to.  ^^

    In all rational theory, I'm correct to assume that accidents happen, right?. I mean, @Alexsmith did accidently tap the m31 he was pulling out a couple times with a scalpel in the recent update with his results, no? Taking the mentality that accidents can happen, and many people are going to be far less proficient with scalpels than you or I, It would simply make sense to filter those among the more fragile coatings as far as suggestions go. At least in my head x-x

    I'll never argue that Au will not work, but personally, My experience with many things in life is that Stability and Durability are very very valuable qualities to have in almost anything you work with or use. For a small object with micron-thickness tolerances to fail, It functions... But does not exceed standards by very much. D:>

    Just my thoughts when I hear Au. ^^

    @Comet_blastr This is not a question that I can answer adequately, All I'm familiar with is snatches of it being Anti-microbial and not completely bio-inert, that the body will react with it and cause chemical changes, deteriorate the coating, Etc.

    It would not be on a list of things i would personally stick inside myself as-is. ^^'
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