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My First Post and Implant


I am very excited as this is my first post. After six months of playing around with NFC stickers and rings I finally got my first xNT implant. It was done by Brian Decker and was a very pleasant experience. I placed it in the traditional location, the crevasse between my index finger and thumb on my right hand. I have yet to really put anything on it. I use it to unlock my phone currently. I do have plans to bug every bank/card company until I get one that will work with me on making it my credit card.

I plan in the future to get another chip to replace my work badge for convenience. This will likely be placed on the outside of my right wrist slightly off-center to avoid hitting. I would also like to get magnets in each of my ring fingers. 

I have an idea to create a wireless storage device to implant that can carry 1TB of data for my phone. This would likely go in my arm and would be turned off and on by magnet. I am having difficulty thinking how I would charge the device. Another consideration I've thought of would be how long data transfers would work effectively.

Looking forward to meeting and talking with all of you as I have been prowling the site for some time now. Anyone here live in Maine,USA? I am interested in meeting others with a passion for this so we can explore together. 

If you would like I could post the short video I made of Brian Injecting the implant. It is very anti-climatic of course as it was a straightforward injection.


Displaying all 13 comments
  1. Hey and welcome!

    Good to see that you like the implant and are willing to think about how it could better yourself :)

    Currently I'm working on the first kindof implant for your bankcard, it's more like taking the NFC out of your card and making it into a safe implant like the xNT but still it's something?! haha

    My thoughts on the implants for like bankcards is that it will take a while before the banks are up for the idea, because it's a big safety hazard if they open up their cards ofcourse. Otherwise you could just clone your card on an empty implant.

    A HDD implant is a very nice idea, but we all struggle with the charging things ( as far as I have read on here). Because you can't just put a battery in your body because it's huge and dangerous because of it's toxins.

    I myself are from the Netherlands Europe sadly as there aren't many biohackers near me .
  2. I was up there but I do know there is one person still up there. Also you need to think of a fast way to do data transfers to and from a standalone hdd. I imagine something like a Bluetooth but that isn't very fast expecially on large files which would drain battery's again.
  3. I was thinking wifi as those speeds can be faster. 

    The battery and the charging are my biggest concerns. The battery could crack and poison me (potential to ignite?). Charging generates heat and time. I wouldn't want to be burned from under the skin or held up for two hours. Ive also read the circadia expanded in someone's arm. I am not ready for that kind of danger yet.

    Also it would have to be at least 1TB so I wouldn't have to replace it for at least a decade (if it last that long), as our technology expands and we use more data. I remember about 10 years ago a 60GB hd was amazing. Now I have 16 TB and I am running out of space all the time.

    Lastly size matters. I wouldn't want anything to large. It would be to much of a burden if it was uncomfortable to have. Also I am no medical expert but couldn't that cause blood flow issues?
  4. Give that a read I think it might interest you more than anything I could say.
  5. Thanks for that. I find it really interesting but I am staying away from transdermal as I feel it would require to much care. I am interested to see how that pans out though.
  6. Without trandermal you can use an induction charger. Qi is a popular one. Size wise it can be pretty small.

    I do wonder what size the TB drive is going to be. Even a small form factor HDD is pretty large. You'd probably want a SSD because it's fewer moving parts and also use less power, about a fifth of what an HDD uses. You could use one of the 1TB thumb drives, but I'm not sure what those would require to hook up to a bluetooth or other transfer method. A thumb drive has the bonus of being small enough to fit in a spot that makes it mostly invisible from the outside, unlike a regular size drive. I assume the point would be in part to have it hidden.
  7. He's looking at a wifi for transmitting so it could be a little tougher IMO then hooking Bluetooth up to it.
  8. Sorry for the delay. There are already WiFi thumb drives on the market. What I have seen typically they max out around 250gb. I'm sure I could take one apart and remake it at 1tb easily. Also yes less visible the better it will be. I also thought induction would be the way to go. Maybe setup some sort of strap to hold the charger in place with a battery so I could be mobile while I charge. Lastly I figure it would have to be turned off and on. Would it be possible to do that with a magnet? To avoid having to press on it.
  9. Magnets are certainly viable as a switch system! There's a number of different sensors that can pick up on the magnetic field, so building a low powered sensing system to fully wake on signal is doable.
  10. Adding a reed switch @dmlawrence
  11. Are you planing to use an implanted, finger magnet to turn it on and off?  I wonder if it could just be powered externally using induction only when it is being used and not need any kind of implanted battery or charging?
  12. Yes a finger magnet is what I had in mind. powering it externally sounds cool and safer. However then I'd have to carry a charger with me everywhere.
  13. No different then a work laptop or other electronic doohicky
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