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Becoming Insensitivite to Pain?
anyone interested in acquiring the disorder of not feeling pain, ever?
...Like the people who have CIP (Congenital Insensitivity to Pain) whose sensations are all intact except pain.
Let's share ideas. I want to know different ways you can become this (or close), either long-term or permanently :D
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Sure. Particularly the dentist. Pain is like a warning system that something is wrong though.
It would be really neat to have the ability to toggle pain on and off, but if it were permanently off you would have some serious issues. I'm reminded of Robert Wadlow (, one of the tallest people ever to live. He ultimately died not due to system failure from his giantism, but from an infected blister on his foot that he couldn't feel. Tl;dr if you could never feel pain, there could be a serious medical issue you would ignore.
Yea that's true. If it's permanent then it will probably cause serious problems! So I guess this is for people who don't mind serious problems :P
As @Pris implied dentists use novacaine to stop pain for a short amount of time.
I agree that this may not be the best mod to do, a good way to examine the effect to some degree would be to take some lidocaine gel and put it on your finger then see how your day goes. Edit: Not to piss on your idea, but I do feel that should be one of the first things you do before starting to really spending money on this.
Agreed. Terrible terrible idea, but it would be a fun as hell as a project. You'd probably end up making a the kamakazi soldierb of the future recipe. I'll get involved if you do get serious.
Hmm. I wonder if would be more ko resistant if I were to inject Resiniferatoxin into my jaw? I imagine this experience would really suck for a second, but then maybe it would go away? Like a spicy lidocaine?
mmhhmm, this reminds me of a movie i saw about a girl with this disorder and she hated it. Every time she fell over or bumped herself etc she would have to go to the doctors and get herself checked out as she had no way of gauging the damage on her body... But then again who doesn't hate pain? really have to weigh the pros and cons up on this one.
The medical condition is called Congenital Anesthesia. It's pretty fucked up. Apparently teething babies chew out their own tongues and eat their cheeks because they don't know any better. It might be better to pursue some kind of trigger for hypoalgesia. You'd still feel pain.. but not all that much.
true, trigger for hypoalgesia would be better :) Some of the congenitally-pain-insensitive people are pain-insensitve because they have a constant high level production of internal opioid, so ideally if a normal person can get 75% of that... then he/she achieves constant hypoalgesia, I guess! There are also people who got certain kinds of brain damage, and they lose the ability to feel discomfort from pain... So they recognize pain, but they are not bothered by it. I can't imagine how that feels! @directorx I'm totally curious what would happen if I put Resiniferatoxin in my jaw or wherever, too! Just to warn you I think this stuff is beyond painful, though. I think it's supposed to be 37 times as hot as Capsaicin, with the "hot sauce heat" level off the chart. There's the prescription Capsaicin patch for localized pain, and patients have to be anesthesized before using it. And that's only Capsaicin... Anyway for both Capsaicin and Resiniferatoxin the idea is to desensitize after sensitize, so yes your inflammatory-pain nerves will be destroyed either temporarily or permanently (I read that if you apply it locally, it would be temporary (months), and if inject into your spine, it will be permanent... which sounds weird and I'm still trying to figure out why)
A better way to achieve a similar effect would be to eliminate fear.... There are drugs to do just that I believe, I think it would be a amazing feeling!! On a super bike, speaking of which really could have a practical purpose. A lot of things go wrong due to panicking no fear, no panicking.... Sincerely, John Doe
But fear also stops you from doing some pretty stupid shit. I feel more would go wrong if we didn't have fear then if we did.
That assumes you have the inability to turn it on and off. I could see the issue of people having to use reason over instinct, but if the two I would rather have no fear....
what about a concious sedation, you feel the pain but ketamine makes your mind disaasociate from it. i've only seen it used once during my ER rotation, the doctors gave it to a five year old to set his broken arm. what really pissed me off though was when i broke my arm and had to have it set the only thing they gave me was a big ball of gauze and told me to bite down.
also, i would only reccomend this if there was some sort of on/off switch. pain is a good thing, lets you know how much damage you've received.i did get a tattoo yesterday and i would have loved to have been able to shut off the pain.
They have lido gel for that.... I will read more into concious sedation.
I've seen people on that you don't want that for long. I've had people fall over railings and just collapse to the ground for no reason while on it.
hmmm. maybe theres some compund we could try to replicate that has the same mode of action as ketamine but not as strong. if i punch something/someone i want to be able to tell if i just hit them reall hard or if i broke my hand on their face lol
maybe ketamine isn't the best. i forgot it causes amnesia as well.
I have a teeny bit of experience with this, I don't think its a good idea for the safety reasons other people have mentioned. Minor or Major injuries could easily go unnoticed.I've been riding BMX all my life, and over the years my shins have taken massive abuse from sharp pedals smashing into them. The nerves in my shins are pretty much dead now. Sometimes I will get a new pedal bite opening up my shin with a good 2"+ gash and the only way I know is when my socks feel wet. I've stitched a few of these on my own with no anesthetic.The skin doesn't really feel pain there anymore, sometimes a hard enough impact will jar the bone and I can feel it there.@opi - "they recognize pain, but they are not bothered by it. I can't imagine how that feels!"No brain injury, but I feel this way a lot. Its maybe a mind over matter thing, or just decades of constant injury but pain is very manageable for me. I recently had a knee surgery and stopped taking my pain Meds the day after. I still felt the pain, and my brain still told me something was wrong and wouldn't let me walk on the knee, but the pain wasn't really an issue. Sudden acute pains still catch me off guard, but constant prolonged pain is fairly easy to put behind me, and the feeling from minor injuries is even somewhat enjoyable.Its an interesting idea, but I would definitely be safe about it. Diabetics often have numb feet and suffer from severe blisters because of it. When your brain isn't telling you to limp and avoid that blister it just keeps getting worse. In extreme cases an internal injury or illness could cause major problems like bleeding out, even though you appear fine from the outside.
@meanderpaul Lido gel? I didn't know you could get high off of it.
@johndoe yes you snort it. The special k is just a bad idea***
This stuff? What you described should more like a opiate enduced high, also maybe cassox can answer this better. But isn't lido gel recommended for installing a magnet? Sincerely, John Doe
The injection is recommended the gel is only topical so inside will hurt still. You could get oragel which has lidocaine in it and rub it on you.
Not really sure on the reason why, but I still have the sensation of touch in my shins, just so sensation of pain. Maybe deep tissue vs skin surface? Its definitely not the same numb sensation that lidocaine or novacaine would give.I can't imagine that being completely numb across your full body would be enjoyable. Lidocaine is also very temporary and would have to be applied almost constantly to achieve "the disorder of not feeling pain"
@meanderpaul @johndoeyou can't get high off of lidogel, i give it all the time in the hospital, when I do a bronchoscopy we have patients snort it like they're doing a line of white lightening, they don't get high though, it just numbs their nostrils so they don't get irritated when I shove gigantic camera down their nose into their lungs.
@jordygordy it was a joke :) I said it because it would be hilarious if some one did try. It's so sad jokes are lost in typing....
i had a feeling, but when you work with the public as much as i do, its hard to tell when someone is joking, or is seriously stupid. I'm always trying to combat the never ending onslaught of medical misinformation.
Yea I was in a joking mood that day I think I posted 3 different things in a joking manner. I'm with you only with wildlife I deal with the stupid " I know more then you you pot smoking high schooler!" (I neither smoke nor am in HS for over 10 years)
haha pot smokers are't even that stupid unless they burned themselves out. though usually they have to do more then smoke pot to do that.I'm in Los Angeles so i deal with all the dumb anti-GMO, organic, "won't put chemicals in my body" and "dihydrogen monoxide is extremely dangerous", anti vaccine girls who still slam rails of cocaine on the weekend at music festivals and handling everyone and everything with kid gloves becomes an automatic response for me.
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