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My new implant

Hi all, I haven't posted before but I wanted to share my experience with my magnetic implant.

I did mine myself at home, one magnet in my pinky finger tip on my left hand. I bought a surgical scalpel and sutures online to use and they worked great. After putting a rubber band on my finger and icing it for about 5 minutes it was totally numb and I didn't feel a thing the whole way through. Maybe I just go numb easy but I find it odd that people are going out and buying digital blocks and the like when you can do a completely painless implant with ice...

I made the pocket into my finger tip a bit wider than I probably needed it to be, but it did make it very easy to put the magnet in. I used a single stich to close up the wound and I thought that it had all gone very well but I took the rubber band off before I put the dressing on and it started bleeding quite a bit. I had to put the rubber band back on before I could dry it off enough to cover it properly. I actually put the rubber band back on when I put on a fresh dressing the next day just to make sure it didn't bleed everywhere again. The next time I dressed it just used a regular bandaid. I also used medical glue for the second day but it didn't seem to make that much of a difference with the stitch already in.

So far no infections, it's healing great actually. I put it in four days ago and I'm going to remove the stitch in the next day or two but it looks like the outer cut is almost completely healed. I did test it a little with another magnet on day three and I ended up dragging it around the entre pocket that I had opened so there it still a fair bit of internal healing to go.

I didn't want to wait for higher quality magnets to come out so I just got a 3mm x 1mm neodymium disk and covered it in sugru, left it for 2 days to harden and then sat it in ethanol for 10 mins before I put it in. I am hoping to change it for a more professionally bioproofed magnet in the future. So far I haven't been able to feel much with it though, I may have put it a little too far down so it's more in my finger than my fingertip which is I assume less sensitive, or I could have layered the sugru too thick. Either way I am going to try a different type of magnet, hopefully with better coating for my next one.

Overall a successful procedure, I did try to film it but it was at a bad angle so you can't see it, I'll try to get an assistant for my next one to film it properly.


Displaying all 21 comments
  1. congrats see how that goes in a few months. you chose the to coat something in the worst possible coating. you would have been better actually searching the forums for the word sugru and not just jumping the gun.
  2. Please extract that ASAP. Please. Please. It's going to degrade fast and reject and hurt a ton. x_x
  3. Thanks for the advice!

    I know sugru doesn't last but I wanted to do a test run so I risked it. I'm not actually planning on keeping it in long, I will definitely be replacing it with a higher quality magnet later.

  4. The thing about Sugru is that it's like... Notoriously bad. Like 'It can't even be evaluated on a chart of how viable it is to be used' bad. Like 0/10 would not touch. >~<
  5. Oh dear....

    Does no one read anything here?
  6. You lost me at Sugru.... Seriously?
  7. Be nice guys.  we all make mistakes.  but yeah. the forum is your guide !  wiki also is very helpful . do check ALL the magnet links   before you put something in your finger...  here's one of my favorites
  8. After doing another read through of the forum I've come back with the same info I had before, basically that sugru breaks down quickly.

    I had read a story of a person keeping a sugru coated implant in for a month with no issue so I assumed it wouldn't kill me if I kept it in for that long at least but based on the strong negative reaction here I assume I have missed some kind of horror story about it.

    I was planning on keeping it in a bit longer but I'll remove it tomorrow, which will be a full week after I put it in. I'll keep you all posted!
  9. Where to begin with the horror stories... x_x Hell, it could last you 2 months... Or two weeks just as easily. But that stuff is not good for your body... It's like saying chewing on a toilet paper roll full of rat poison won't immediately dose you with poison; maybe not immediately, but it's not the best thing to play with. Just takes a little weak spot to go for things to go wrong. :c

     Rejection hurts. A lot. And your body is not happy to do it, nor does it respond well. :s It's just... honestly, if your going to gamble and experiment, established failures aren't the best ones to play with. X_x Parylene coated magnets are a much safer temporary proxy. Would suggest a year from all research that I've done digging, and they actually give you time to heal. You'll be healing for up to 6 months after you finish this, don't even expect full functionality until at least 3 weeks post implant, if everything goes perfect, would be a safer rough guess in my opinion. As always, please correct me if needed. ^^
  10. So what's the general consensus on epoxy here?

    That's the only other semi-usable coating I've come across that's easily accessible.  I didn't use it originally because I have no way of making a proper mould for it, but I just wanted to know if people have had similar bad experiences with epoxy before I dive in too deep with it.

  11. there is many types of epoxy what type are you asking about? also why not just wait instead of doing what others already have done and learned the hard way? have you read the wiki yet? have you searched the other threads such as magnet coatings? this is stuff that has been tested and re tested by many people and is far from perfect but atleast it wont reject as readily as sugru and hot glue (DONT USE GLUE)

  12. Read through the wiki and the forum threads, there is certainly less discussion on epoxy but no one has outright said to stay away from it. So I assuming it's been working okay so far?

    I know everyone around here is waiting for the m31's to come back but I really can't see them coming back any time soon.
  13. I wouldn't assume it is working fine ever. I believe that has been discussed before. I can't speak to it but I'm sure some one will know something. My advice is stop assuming everything you will hurt yourself. look up the rating of the epoxy and see if it is suitable for remaining inside the human body for a long period of time. Alexsmith is testing magnets if they pass then he will be selling them. There is a waiting list and magnet status thread pinned to the top. If it was so easy and simple don't you think others would be doing it and not just a couple people? You will be putting something into your body that is able to cause damage if not done right why repeat mistakes when others have it right.
  14. Well that's the thing, it doesn't need to last long term in the body, I'm not testing coatings here, I'm using the cheap and dirty stuff cause know it won't be in long enough to cause any real damage.

  15. Why are you doing it then?
  16. To practice the procedure, I don't have any medical training and I'm not a piercer so I wanted to have a few gos before I stuck in anything I was planning on keeping for any length of time.

    I have a page of notes for my next test which I will most probably be doing before I get a more permanent magnet.
  17. if your main goal is to practice, I would probably suggest working on something such as a proxy. chicken legs and thighs don't seem to be the worst analog, nor does fatback. One of the things that personally helps me most was simply doing as much reading as possible. There is a ton of information here to utilize that will stop you from making mistakes that you could be practicing. if you're looking at doing this the highest success rate, I would suggest understanding everything that you're doing before you begin. ^^ Are you planning on using anesthetic? You do know you can kill yourself or cause amputation if you do that wrong... Have you considered using needles or injection? do you know how to properly suture? do you understand every single tiny detail about taking care of the implant afterwards? Having the information to know how to react to something will definitely serve you well. just my two cents :3
  18. Sanitized everything also. Here I didn't know this page was already made so here is the link zerbula shared with me. That has know coatings that work ranging in difficulty and availability. I'd play with those in the list. Try using the chicken less room for error and it's reasonably cheap considering doctor bills.
  19. There is a list that I will be interested to find, somebody somewhere has a list of like 30 to 40 different types of coatings on this website... In one of these threads... x_x
  20. I didn't know about that list. That's some meshing that could help a lot too
  21. Yeah, it was really nice and went all over the different types of metal coatings, plastic coatings, ceramics, etc... there wasn't a ton of information on all them, but at least a beautiful template to get started.
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