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Faulty xNT or just weirdly placed and too quick to write?

Hey all!

Just got my second xNT injected and now i'm trying to write on it with the NFC Tools Pro app.

But when I try to write something on there, it says " write error " , what did I do wrong? lol

I did try to set a password on it before, but it failed aswell, did I brick it? :(

Help please?


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  1. phones just suck at doing things with tags under the skin reliably. It's probably just slightly to deep. over time it might move up a little bit
  2. You were right! It toon a few days but i can read/write it alot better now. Just got a little scared as someone placed it as his first, hoping he didn't put it too deep. So I'm very glad that was the situation :)
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