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Biohack conference?

Has anyone seen this yet?!

Its a conference being held by Square Enix to try to change the face of human modification. It came up because of Deus Ex where the main character is an augmented human and they recognise they kind of marred the face of modding.


Displaying all 7 comments
  1. Looks pretty cool. Hope there will be video streams/recordings of talks.
  2. "The Code of Ethics will be presented live at the close of the Human by Design conference on August 3 in New York City. Check back on August 4 to read the Code and to learn about its methodology and authors."

  3. i'd go if i could.. 
  4. Can't say I've seen this much dedication go into a videogame promo in some time. But I'd be lying if I said It didn't get my attention, haha.
    It's right before I'd be flying to defcon and the same night as some other stuff, but depending on how planning goes, I might make this happen.
  5. I don't believe it is meant to be a promotion. I think they are recognising the concerns they are raising with this game series. There was no need to have a conference like this before because the whole human modification scene is relatively new in the technological sense. Yes, I know vision correction and prosthetic limbs have been around for ages but now this is going past the "repair" phase and going more into "improve". That's just my 2 cents.
  6. This is totally a promotional opportunity, Konami did the same thing with The Phantom Limb Project / Metal Gear Man earlier this year. 

    That being said, they are totally going about this in the right way and this looks to be a sincere attempt at a human augmentation conference.
  7. The conference ends wednesday and they should be releasing the documentation soon.
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