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So I want to implant a M31 magnet into my ring finger (i wont be doing it , leaving to for an experienced person) and i hope someone can give me answers about the risks apart from MRI , and its not only about the risks , i hope you can give me cases of problems (i mean problems like permanent damage , or even death) that i can work with , because if we want to prove something is safe , lets first try to prove its not , if we cant prove it , its probobly safe. my main worries is for it to get into my bloodstream if it breaks , however since it is protected in TiN im not really worried.


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  1. Problems of the type you want to hear about are rare or non-existent.  No deaths, for example.  Cases where there was some limited nerve damage have occurred, though.  Things like small numb spots.  At least one situation where someone had an area of skin that seemed to cause a sensation in a different area when touched.  I've also heard of sensation duplication, where the affected area would perceive the touch of an object and a duplicate sensation would be felt nearby.  These are all very small areas of affected skin, though.

    In the case of broken magnets, it has happened.  Improperly coated magnets also cause similar problems.  Neodymium is a tissue irritant and can cause swelling and discomfort.  In large doses (far larger than you've ever get from magnet implants), it can cause liver damage.  Boron is nontoxic in the amounts in a magnet implant.  Same deal with the iron in them.  Dependent on what undercoat, if any, is below the TiN, there exists some other small risks.  Nickel is not well tolerated by some people (myself, for example) and if there's a layer of that below the TiN (I do not know that to be the case with the M31s, but then again, nickel coatings are common on NdFeB magnets and for all I know, there's a layer or two of that below the TiN).

    There's also the risks associated infection.  Typically, proper aftercare avoids that.  Maybe a risk of excessive blood loss if you hit an artery or something, but I've never heard of anyone having any close calls related to blood loss.  The flexible NFC implant I did a short while back bled WAY more than a magnet implant and I didn't have any issues related to that.

    The ultimate take-away here is that, yes, there are some risks, but literally thousands of magnets have been implanted in humans over the years and absolutely no one has died or had a major health problem occur because of one.
  2. From all the research I have done looking around at all failure cases, I believe the body's native reaction to that of a properly implanted magnet is, in the event of a rejection, to cause the body to target it as a foreign body, wrap it in pus and swell, and attempt to force it out. :s

    It will hurt a lot if it rejects, a pretty clear indicator something is wrong. It is not something that should be unknown or covertly poisoning your system.

    Some people do have specific metal allergies, and some of the components in the magnetic mass itself are mildly toxic (I highly doubt to anywhere near fatal levels, from all of the rejections that have taken place), but from all observations, Even with people trying to keep the magnets inside, they will remove themselves from the body after a time. 

    Don't challenge me on "A properly implanted magnet, given that no allergies are present and no further infections take hold, can not kill you if it fails in the worst circumstances", because obviously things can get really nasty really fast if you are intentionally acting negligently... >_>... But largely, I don't think anyone has ever been in any serious danger of even losing a digit, yet alone killing them. 

    Getting infections/debris, metal allergies, or improper procedures with the surgery are the main dangers. If magnets are to be done and you asked me the worst thing that could go wrong? I would say either infection (Ebola, naturally), or Lidocaine - either mixed with epinephrine, restricting enough blood flow to escalate your surgery into amputation of the digit, or injected into your blood stream... Don't quote me on this, not an anesthesiologist, but I don't think your heart would like that. :c

    Magnets are pretty safe and 'low risk', if to tie on a term that should be by an unqualified, uneducated 21 year old. ^^ But In seriousness, the absolute worst of the worst happening is entailing things that have nothing to do with it being a magnet, over say, a platinum-plated tooth from your best friend. 

    As far as introduction of magnetic matter into blood stream, if something is fragmenting this magnet apart, shooting it through your meats and into your bloodstream in large chunks... I cringe to think what your hand looks like. >~<
  3. @avin I have multiple patches of skin like that, mainly that happens with bug bites though.... Point being doubt it's abnormal....
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