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RFID Firearms.

Engage you Safety Squints people.

If I have an RFID in my hand, How possible would it be to "lock" and "unlock" a firearm with said RFID. I occasionally carry my firearms with me when I go into the forest or to the range, and I dont want someone to be able to come up and shoot it without my permission.

I was thinking to have a sensor/reader in the grip to see if the RDIF was there or not, and then another sensor to see if the Mag in in the gun or not, and to have the RFID unlock the firing pin until the Mag is released, then to re lock when the mag is replaced. only allowing people to shoot one mag when/if I hand then the rifle. 

I dont know how possible this is, is there someone with more smarts than me that could help?


Displaying all 8 comments
  1. Well, how're you gonna power the reader? I presume you'd need a custom grip.
  2. Ok so i have a couple problems with this question but mostly its not biohack related. 1: why is someone just coming up and taking your guns and shooting them? 2: why do you need a sensor for the magwell to say "ask for another mag". 3: many rifles and pistols cant shoot until a mag is inserted even with a round in the chamber. Thats part of the the safety on many guns. 4: you should have complete control of your firearm even when it is not in your hands (including your holster/buddys hand) That said there is many gun reformist people out there that are pushing for this and have made mock ups and prototypes. As a gun own i ask you dont give them more fuel to make guns more restrictive by either implying or stating you cant keep your guns in safe hands.
  3. (Aye. don't feed the regulators. It's a big enough pain as it is)

    If you're using a rifle, you'll need to know how to actually modify the safety of the weapon to actually do anything fancy. And basically the firing mechanism too. First question: Do you have a problem with having to reload a mag every time you run out( In theory, you could pull the ejection lever back and load another round, but who does that)? If not, mod the gun so that when the mag's empty, the safety automatically engages. You can do that mechanically, and cut down on power consumption. Or maybe just replace the whole safety mechanism, since you don't want someone just turning it off and shooting.

    A mag sensor, coupled with a pressure sensor on the grip could trigger the reader, and if it finds and reads your RFID, it unlocks the safety with a solenoid. Simple build, in that respect. (The pressure sensor keeps the reader from checking constantly after a mag is inserted)
  4. Been there done that it's called metal storm:P going to get some cop killed.... I say that not against cops but against them I really don't trust a gun I have to charge every night.... Unless they used something like tritium (think I spelled that right) batteries that would have a scheduled replacement date. Plus that would be super expensive.... Still look into it if you want, also those guns don't have clips.
  5. I had the idea of doing the same with a potato gun, which is pretty straight forward. It would just use logic gates to keep from firing.The firing mechanism works by turning off the actuator that releases the valve on the compressed air chamber.
  6. RFID locks on guns ("smart guns") is something that's been in various stages of testing and use for a while. There's some conversion kits out there for RFID locks, magnetic locks, and biometric locks. I've seen RFID locks at the last gun show that used something like a smart watch reader to unlock. It claimed to have a read range of 10 inches. Biometric locks are really bulky and expensive. RFID locks are pretty pricey too. Read distance of the implants we usually use will be a big problem to deal with. 

    I wouldn't be worried so much about the guys at the range taking control. In my experience, rangemasters and other shooters at a range usually are the first to call out anyone doing anything unsafe. Anyone in the woods who takes your gun without permission is either 1) an idiot with no clue about safety, 2) probably intending you harm and you might be already screwed, or 3) an idiot thief.

    I like the idea of RFID locks tied to implants to keep my niece and nephew from hurting themselves. They're being raised with strict gun safety rules, but they're still little and nephew is like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. He always finds a way.
  7. I am with you on everything you said @katzevonstich (hard name to get right). I'm going to be modifying my nightstand to be a safe of sorts not for a would be their but my daughter. She too will learn very strict safety rules but like you said kids are kids. I happen to be an instructor also which is why I don't understand the original post one bit. Any range officer or even range user will generally call out stupid unsafe behavior that they see after all they are in the line of fire too. Education is by far more effective then the don't touch that approach.
  8. Some people are more paranoid than others, I also wonder if he was referring to a gun that couldn't be turned on him in a home defense situation, or even a conceal and carry situation. (The odds of any of that happening to me seems slim to to none if at all to begin with....)
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