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How secure is a rfid-locked door?
You know, the funny thing is that when it comes to security, you have to consider the weakest link. Due to the limited read range of the RFID, and the simple the ignorance to the fact that you have an implant in the first place is enough to keep the system safe. There really isn't any chance that they could steal the code, and even if they did, they wouldn't know what to do with it. However, if someone really wanted to get into your house, they could always just kick in the lock or break a window.
im considering doing the same thing. on the bright side, if you loose your keys or lock yourself out you'll have a way to get in. plus it will just look cool when you wave your hand in front of your door and it opens for you.
Yeah, what @ChrisBot said. Someone would have to know you have an implant, know it's used as a door key, and then get close enough to copy it, which might be a bit obvious. I don't think RFID implants or home locks are widespread enough for it to be a thief's first thought. I considered an RFID lock until I remembered that all break-ins around here occurred via kicked-in door. The lock won't really stop that sort of thing.
security through obscurity
I just got my NFC implant done so i can open my door at home with it. my thinking is that no one is going to go to the trouble of trying to clone it when they could just break a window.
I'm not gonna say much because it's been said so many times but I'll point out there is ALOT of conversations about the security.
oh my god i have just realised i have done a HUGE spelling mistake in the title, sorry boys
I have the Samsung door lock. There's a window near the door, within range of throwing a rock through it and reaching in to unlock the door. I'm not worried about my RFID being hacked.Nearly all locks are just a marginal help for security. Kicking in a residential door is ridiculously easy.
That's putting it lightly ;)
As most have mentioned, the security factor is low as long as you have windows, but being able to get in and out of your house with fumbling for keys sounds beyond convenient.
any residential door can be kicked in, i would get an RFID/NFC lock if i could. but again that doesn't stop omeone from just kicking the door in. or breaking the window right next to it to get it.teach the kids how to pick a lock, not to make them robbers, but to make remember to use a latch and chain.
The door isn't even the real point of failure on these things either. The only thing holding the door shut is a small metal piece in a bit of strapping. Even a latch is weak a pair of snips or even a flathead screw driver can pop a chain link apart and even if you don't do that it's a few screw holding it into a door maybe a half inch if your lucky. My point is best case you have no 1st floor Windows a solid oak door with a chain link and RFID lock and maybe even a deadbolt and hey you may be able to stop the door from opening or some one getting in. I say get a brace for the top and bottom of the door and that sucker will never open. :) Lesson is the tech will last the wood/glass won't.
I saw a beautiful example of this one time. Beautiful armored and reinforced door and frame. The guy designed it himself, it was to the point he said 'Go ahead, try to break inside under 15 minutes for 500 dollars.' >~> Someone ripped the siding off the house next to the door, made it through the wall between two edges of sheets of poorly installed plywood, through insulation, and between two studs and through sheet rock within 10 minutes. :l /facedesk The door wasn't the problem. Houses just sometimes aren't built to be damage resistant. >~<If someone wants to bust an RFID lock, they could use a steel pipe and a sledge hammer, and smash it through your door. Or a blowtorch, with obvious risks. X_x As a lock... If it's not identifiable, it's pretty impossible to unlock fairly. A thief who uses a bump key is going to be very out of luck. ^^
I normally just reinforce the lock of my front door with the help of my nearest locksmith service which is protection plus security solutions. It is always better to reinforce the lock of your door from time to time since a well placed kick can yield the door easily. Getting a deadbolt or even a keypad is a good alternative.
Ok just leave the window next to it for us ;)
I haven't used those locks earlier, first I would confirm with a Locksmith and then will surely install those locks.Thanks.
Lexan windows are a riot. I heard a story about a guy who tried to rob a store that had lexan windows. Threw a cinder block at the windows. The block ricocheted, and knocked the guy out, and the police got it all on camera. Until someone starts selling high-speed RFID brute-force units, the above comments about windows being the point of failure will hold.
I'd definitely look into UTS Group. They have a lot of services and products to offer for people in your exact position - and will most likely be able to help with keeping your code secure
Please don't revive dead topics just to shill for Russian security companies.
My 12 yr old can pick a lock. Door locks are for a false sense of security