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Magnet implants vs stun gun... Huh?


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  1. Thats why I refrained from posing Mohans video, this Biba guy however has no fancy wiring to hide any tricks, just two nails in any power point. Plus he is cool with the guys testing him in any condition which Mohan obviously isnt. Biba also isnt claiming to pass the current through his body, in fact they outright state in the video that there is barely any current passing through his body due to his skin so he's not really enduring any superhuman amount of current. Either way they are both on a TV show on the discovery channel so you're 100% right to be skeptical XD.
  2. @Zerbula sorry...I just noticed your question from June. I turned myself into a human taser. I routinely shock others with it as any who attended the first 2 grindfests can vouch for. Heehee. The downside is that it also gives me a good jolt.
  3. That's great. X3
  4. Yeah. It's a fucking doozy too. Quite different from getting tazed really. I think the ring of like 30 people holding hands and getting shocked was a high point at GF0
  5. My Research: X26 & M26 ( Source )
    • (Page 18)
      • Sensory Nervous System (SNS): Located close to the skin, used to relay data regarding the body and its environment:
      • Motor Nervous System (MNS): Located within or beneath muscles, used to control muscles, operates on different waveform than SNS.
    • Page 17
      • STUN Systems result in 'pain compliance' by operating through the SNS.
      • EMD (Electro-muscular Disruption) systems result in pain compliance and muscular contractions (together referred to as 'incapacitation') by operating through the SNS & MNS simultaneously.
        • Note: EMD systems use a specialized waveform to disrupt the MNS (Page 18), so disrupting the wave-form, if that's even possible, could be an effective countermeasure.
    My speculations regarding countermeasure results / vehicles, in descending effectiveness:
    1. The Probes do not produce a circuit, the SNS & MNS are unaffected.
    2. The Probes produce a circuit through the SNS, but the circuit is impaired.
    3. The Probes produce a circuit through the SNS.
    4. The Probes produce a circuit through the SNS & MNS, but the circuit is impaired.
    X26 / M26, performance data: (Page 26, 77)
    Pulse width: (Page 27)
    Waveform Information: (Page 76)
    • "The X26’s Shaped Pulse technology uses a... energy pulse that concentrates a small portion of energy to first penetrate the barrier, while the majority of electrical charge is held in reserve, flowing freely through the barrier once the leading edge has penetrated. Two pulses comprise the Shaped Pulse phases: 
      1. “Arc phase” Optimized to produce a circuit using high voltage.
        • "Once the arc is created, the air in the arc is ionized and becomes a low impedance electrical conductor that conducts the second pulse phase into the body."
      2.  “Stim phase" Operates the circuit
        1. "The Stim phase only has to flow across the highly conductive arc from the Arc Phase. With less energy lost with this new process, less wattage (5 Watts) is required from the X26 to cause the EMD effect."

    Other Notes:
    • Digital Pulse Controller: (Page 81).
    • Product complications / field failures: (Page 115, 116, 171).
    • Duration of field applications: (Page 113).
    • The energy lost in penetrating the barrier of skin and clothing is converted into heat energy (Page 78).
    • Product performance is not impaired or amplified by wet conditions (Page 34, 35).
    • Product does not interfere with pacemakers (Page 28).
    • "One probe can arc through 2 culminative inches of clothing, or one inch of clothing per probe." (Page 39)
    • Projectile Properties of Probe:
      • "Close spreads are less effective" (Page 118)
      • 1ft of spread for every 7ft of distance ( Page 48)
      • bottom probe travels downwards at 8 degrees from the top probe (Page 48).
      • Maximum probe range: 21ft (Page 48, 50)
        • Optimum Range: 7-15ft (Page 69, 105)
    • Probe Specifications: (Page 51)
      • Probe Mass: 1.6g / 1.6g / 4.1g
      • Needle Length: .50cm / .89cm / 1.32cm
      • XP Probes made of Brass, other probes made of Aluminum.
      • Wires made of Copper-clad Steel (Page 43, 53).
  6. I discussed this with a friend of mine over breakfast today, and unfortunately I lost my notes about what else he suggested, but our thoughts on a solution are quite similar:

    Create a conductor, either a tattoo network (I suggested Silver) or an ionization plate, with a large surface area and connect it to capacitance. Though you would have to beat 50,000v to do it, he suggested the option of discharging these capacitors back through the probes to produce a malfunction (He believes these devices are DC).
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