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Steve Haworth N55 magnets coatings? implanting 4, locations?

Hey all! New to the forum here. As for the interest in getting implants done, ive thought about it for a couple years..

I just want some opinions on what you all think about the Haworth N55's (specifically the silicone coating)

I live in Indy, and made plans with him to go out in the next 6 weeks and get 4 installed. Ive thought about locations.. Finger, Wrist, head. Couldnt really decide until now. I believe im going to do the ring finger, thumb, and 1 behind each ear ( locating the best nerve rich area )..

My big question, does anyone have issues with the haworths? My concern is the silicone coating. Ive debated waiting for the TiNs, but they of course haven't been tested for any length of time yet... So should i go with haworths, or be an experiment with the TiN..

I hope to have them last a few years.. The implants are going to cost over 1000 so you can see why id like opinions first x)

Even if you have no experience with the haworths, your experiences and thoughts are still much appreciated!!

Link to n55s


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  1. What do you mean tested tin? Are you referring to the new batch. There are ALOT of people with tin coated magnets.
  2. you will waste your time installing behind the ears
  3. i got one of these in my tiny finger since october - no problems, quite stronger than the normal harworth magnets. I suggest putting it in the ring finger for the first one that is a really good loation
  4. I've had two Haworth magnets in for about three years (maybe four, I can't remember) now, love them and no issues. I haven't tried an M31, and I don't know of any data from people who have tried both and compared them, so this is purely conjecture on my part: I think the silicone coating has advantages in making the implant "softer" compared to the M31, which has hard/angular edges the human body generally doesn't like. I would think bumping the M31 against stuff or even just during some casual use of the finger (opening jars? Climbing?), the M31 would be less comfortable and potentially more prone to accidentally damaging surrounding tissue.
  5. yeah @directorx is all about the hearing ones and from what I remember him telling me the tragus is the only place that kinda works, and for some people not even that does. Behind the ear is a bad idea. Secondly, @directorx does have haworth magnets that have been in for quite a while now.
  6. @meanderpaul yes the new ones, should have clarified that.

    @benbeezy thankyou! I've thought about the tragus but was concerned with how that'd turn out. Curious on the visibility as well.

    Just from simply feeling around i had a feeling behind the ears would be a tough location. Not many nerve endings to work with there sadly, which led me to the possibility of using the bigger magnets there. aye.. and thankyou. ill shoot him a message. 
  7. Those n55 are really n52's, aren't they? <~< Unless I'm missing something super awesome that was developed... 

    But Haworth's magnets are good. there isn't anything wrong with them, per se. Some people haven't had them stay durable long term, with the plastics breaking down in vivo, but they are safe, I wouldn't distrust them.

    If you are looking for the 'Grey failure area', look to how long they will last in vivo - failure between 1 to 2.5 years have popped up from coatings breaking down. not guaranteeing it, just noting it's popped up on occasions in people...

    And TiN is an established safe magnet. D:> like, any and every indivigual magnet should always be tested for proper coating and integrety... But TiN is kinda labeled the golden standard for a reason. Properly coated, they are far more resilient mechanically and have less inert mass, higher responsiveness and performance ^^
  8. They really are N55, from what I've been told it's a newer magnet as of the last couple of years. Some info below, more on Google.
  9. As I recall, NdFeB magnets have a theoretical cap of N60.  N52 is just what's typically commercially available.
  10. *Thought that n52 was the maximum ever *eats my shoe X_x well then, carry on. I love learning, this is great. ^^ Inb4 iron nitride - diamond :3
  11. Meh. I've tested haworths stuff. Outside of the silicone they rated as around an n48. Encased in the silicone, the units rated far lower. Maybe around the equivalent of an n42 or so? I'll have to go back and check the numbers. I believe that's he's using high heat during the injection molding which is why they are so much weaker. Maybe he's changed something since the units I tested.
  12. @meanderpaul Yes the newer TiN. Should have clarified.

    @benbeezy Damn. thanks! this is the stuff i need to know. i had a feeling.. when i was feeling around, behind the ear area was a pretty low sensitivity area anyway.

    i debated the tragus but was concerned on visibility(work..) ill get in touch with him. really hoping to get that figured out.

    Thanks everyone! Can already tell this is going to be a good experience with all of the knowledge here..
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