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Would this work???

I had an interesting idea while trying to figure a way around the magnet coating. Now maybe i am missing something, BUT, if I am understanding how it works correctly it should work. Why not take a full strength magnet with no coating, and encapsulate it in a glass housing like a firefly filled with saline. The glass is bio safe, the saline (in theory) would both help conduct electromagnetic fields and increase the vibrating sensation. Again, maybe way off, but in my head it makes sense. Thoughts?


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  1. i'm a bit tired but i don't think saline does any good in guiding a magnetic field. The vibration would mostly be lost as the magnet would just wiggle around in the liquid. The glass capsule would greatly increase the surface area, reducing effective forces applied to the surrounding tissue, thus lowering sensation.

    tl;dt: most likely not.
  2. The first issue that I see is magnetic mass compared to total mass. Adding a half millimeter coating around an m31 reduces it to 7/25 of its material being magnetic, which is like less than 30%. >~< 

    Imagine taking a car engine and reducing it to less than 30% of its efficiency... And that's only a .5 mm coating x_x A layer of glass and a layer of saline with another layer of glass is going to drastically reduce responsiveness, to a point where I would assume would have no practical application... This is just examining the size and nothing else. :s
  3. I've read some patents and articles for various ways to make magnetic glass. Most don't have much strength, are not biocompatible, or are made for putting magnets onto rather than being magnetic themselves. It's too bad since a biocompatible glass magnet with neodymium strength could be an awesome device.
  4. It was an interesting concept at least.
  5. Although , wouldn't the plating around the magnet be the reason for the loss of strength? All coatings are non ferrous to my knowledge. water will reduce a magnets strength BUT salt water (saline) does not. i don't know what effect glass has on a magnets pull.
  6. I just tested 2 kitchen magnets with a thick bottom glass cup and they definitely worked fine. If I had a way to manufacture this I would at least guinea pig it. seems pretty safe. I just don't know if the nerve endings would sense the vibrations but, (again i am no expert) last i knew the water would amplify the vibrations .
  7. We still run into the same problem with flux density however. >~< You aren't dealing with the issue of magnetic strength, it's that you aren't generating more mass of magnetic strength. If you only have the 7 cubic millimeter of magnetic mass to work with, any increase of mass will reduce efficiency. >~< 7/ whatever mass is added that is not magnetic + 7. The other thing to remember is we are taking about n52 gauss strength, even if you had a magnetic secondary shell, say of ceramic magnets. That's like... n8-n15, and will dilute magnetic strength. N42 will posses about 80% magnetic efficiency, and a ratio of 7 units of n52 to 18 parts of n15, being generous, the overall strength of mass is averaged to... I think something like n25? Very very lose rough rounding. X_x But that's still completely unacceptable I wouldn't expect a shielding effect from any conventional material used. It's not that shielding of magnetic flux is a major concern, but any added mass is most likely diluting strength.
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