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Bad NFC implant.

So i just did my first implant and made a bit of a oopsie.
was implanting a NFC tag and have never had any experience with a injector like this before. so through a combination of idiocracy and nervousness as i was pushing in the needle i was putting the force on the plunger and the tag poped out a few mm away from the entry point and without a pocket. it seems to have luckily goon in a pretty good position but am not sure what to do. shall i just carry on like it all went well and hope it doesn't come out will healing?


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  1. If you can try to massage it in more.
  2. How far from the entry point  is the chip? How deep is the chip?

    My main concern is that it doesn't close properly and gets pushed out as the wound heals. If it's deep enough to heal ok, it will probably fine long term, the glass NFC chips are quite hard to get "wrong", they very rarely reject.
  3. It is only ~3mm from the close side of the entry if that makes sense. It's been 40 mins and it hasn't really moved at all
  4. Without actually seeing it, it's hard to tell, but I think there is a decent chance it will be fine. If you want to be sure, take it out, re-sterilize and re-implant later, but if it were me, I'd leave it in and hope for the best. Just be extra careful for the first few days to not put pressure on the area which could cause the entry site to break open.
  5. Ya I'll take my chances because I don't have any easy way to resterize.
  6. Would using some medical or KT tape work in keeping the entry closed and tag in? Small strips of tape in front of the implant to support the tissue holding it in. Tape on even a small puncture doesn't feel that great, but KT can last for a week on the hands if treated gingerly.
  7. As @MeanderPaul said, massage it a bit and try to get it in a bit further.  Even if you don't do that, though, it will likely be fine.  The wounds from injector needles close so quickly at the puncture site that I'd be very surprised if it rejected.
  8. I did as @aviin said and tried messaging it in a bit and just carried on like usual. it has healed up well and is reading nicely. thanks
  9. Glad to hear it is working well.
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